Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Psychodynamic aspects of Delusional Disorder - Mike Nova: Psychoanalytic theory is deadeningly mechanistic and hopelessly outdated, but at this time we do not have any other theory which attempts to explain in more or less simple (if not simplistic) and coherent terms (although it is famously known for its predilection towards near-incoherence and "fuzzy thinking"), the dazzling and paradoxical complexities of human emotional life and behavior

Psychodynamic aspects of Delusional Disorder, Persecutory type ("Paranoia") - Links to "castration anxiety and phobia" Searches

Last Update: 1:51 PM 5/2/2012

Mike Nova: Psychoanalytic theory is deadeningly mechanistic and hopelessly outdated, but at this time we do not have any other theory which attempts to explain in more or less simple (if not simplistic) and coherent terms (although it is famously known for its predilection towards near-incoherence and "fuzzy thinking"), the dazzling and paradoxical complexities of human emotional life and behavior.

castration phobia - Google Search

Psychol Rep. 2002 Dec;91(3 Pt 2):1244-6.

Castration anxiety and phobias.


Department of Psychology, Texas Tech University, Box 42051, Lubbock, TX 79409-2051, USA.


Based on Freud's case study of "Little Hans," the authors tested the hypothesis that men with phobias would score higher on castration anxiety than men without phobias. College men with either average or high scores on the Fears Scale of the MMPI-2 (n = 10 men in each group) responded to the Thematic Apperception Test, which was scored for castration anxiety. Men with high scores on the Fears Scale had higher scores on castration anxiety than men with average scores on the Fears Scale. The findings are consistent with Freud's hypothesis about phobias.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

castration phobia - Wikipedia Search


discussed in Freud's 1909 study Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy.' ... extensive study of castration anxiety and the Oedipus complex . ...

Herbert Graf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

, a Freudian, explained the delusion as displaced castration anxiety . ... crippled with depression and anxiety and phobia about wolves from childhood. ...

complexes differently — he via castration anxiety , she via penis ... Oedipal case study-In Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (1909 ...

(metaphor) -Castration anxiety -Catalepsy -Catastrophization - ... Scholastic Aptitude Test -School phobia -School refusal -Science and ...

which is manifested as fear of castration by the physically greater ... In Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (1909), the case study ...

castration anxiety - Google Search


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