Sunday, December 15, 2013

Behavioral Biopsychosocial Criminology - draft notes and links: "Humans are Law producing and abiding animals..."

Humans are Law producing and abiding animals, "legal" animals (there is no notion of "legal" behavior in the Animal Kingdom - a truly "wild life", with its atavistic traces at the roots of human criminality and at the roots of the wide variety of human criminal behaviors). Humans are "homo lexicus" (along with "homo aestheticus" and many other aspects of human nature, namely what makes humans "humans", and which is not just "homo sapience" alone by far), which increases the cohesion and the level of organisation in the human societies (with some oscillations, probably inevitable in the natural search for the "golden middle" along the historical Libertarian - Totalitarian continuum); and thus the society's, culture's, country's mights and powers, including of course, their political and military powers also.

This is more or less in line with the general biopsychosocial approach in behavioral sciences (including psychiatry) and this approach in criminology ("scientific" and traditional attempts at understanding and dealing with the universe of human criminal behaviors) can be named as  Behavioral Biopsychosocial Criminology. 

The legal and nonlegal behaviors can be viewed as the phenomena arranged along the certain severity and typology spectrums, according with the historically, empirically and rationally formed legal concepts of crime and its various and many attempts at deeper and more scientific understandings of phenomena of its subject and these phenomenons' more truthful, useful, practical and efficient classifications.




Common law 

Under the common law of England, crimes were classified as either treasonfelony or misdemeanour, with treason sometimes being included with the felonies. This system was based on the perceived seriousness of the offence. It is still used in the United States but the distinction between felony and misdemeanour is abolished in England and Wales and Northern Ireland.

U.S. classification[edit]

In the United States since 1930, the FBI has tabulated Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) annually from crime data submitted by law enforcement agencies across the United States.[42] Officials compile this data at the city, county, and state levels into the UCR. They classify violations of laws based on common law as Part I (index) crimes in UCR data. These are further categorised as violent or property crimes. Part I violent crimes include murder and criminal homicide (voluntary manslaughter), forcible rape, aggravated assault, and robbery; while Part I property crimes include burglary, arson, larceny/theft, and motor-vehicle theft. All other crimes count come under Part II.
For convenience, such lists usually include infractions although, in the U.S., they may come into the sphere not of the criminal law, but rather of the civil law. Compare tortfeasance.
Booking-arrests require detention for a time-frame ranging 1 to 24 hours. 

Classification and categorisation[edit]

Categorisation by type[edit]

The following classes of offences are used, or have been used, as legal terms of art:
Researchers and commentators have classified crimes into the following categories, in addition to those above:

Classification and Typology of Crimes: 

Behavioral Biopsychosocial Criminology Approach 

The goal of this direction of studies is to to identify the "biopsychosocial": individual biological, psychological (e.g. "intrapsychic", etc.) and social (and group) factors as determinants in criminal behavior with the purpose of control over it and the development of the specific and preventive measures. 

The following is the prospective BPS (biopsychosocial ) draft note on attempt at causal, etiological classification of criminal behaviors and crimes as behavioral, (individual and group) phenomena viewed and classified as various, historically formed by the various legal systems and genetically-culturally determined by the various notions of justice, hierarchically organised by severity and types, Offences.

This classification is arranged along the severity and typology spectrums, which can be quantified and elaborated further.


Rigid and super-rigid "legal behaviors" on individual and social levels; structured, (under, over, etc.) societies and cultures with totalitarianism at the one of the spectrum extremes.

Normal Legal Behaviors 

(How well are they studied, explored and understood? See "human nature".) 


Non-Legal Behaviors

General Characteristics:

Transgressions: The Misdemeanors 

Misdemeanor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In some jurisdictions, those who are convicted of a misdemeanor are known as misdemeanants (as contrasted with those convicted of a felony who are known as felons). Depending on the jurisdiction, examples of misdemeanors may include: petty theftprostitutionpublic intoxication,simple assaultdisorderly conducttrespassvandalismreckless driving, possession ofmarijuana and in some jurisdictions first-time possession of certain other drugs, and other similar crimes. 

"misdemeanants" - characteristics; prospective studies, if any: do they or the proportion of them turn into "felons"; how do they turn out; what happens to them in their lives; do they serve as a reservoir for tghe "felons" group? 


"miscreants" (just an association)


Offence against the person - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
of Common Law might be viewed as

The Offenses manifested by the Excess of Individual and Group Aggressions: 

Part I violent crimes include murder and criminal homicide (voluntary manslaughter), forcible rape, aggravated assault, and robbery; while Part I property crimes include burglary, arson, larceny/theft, and motor-vehicle theft. All other crimes count come under Part II. (U.S. Classification of Crimes

UCR crime categories

For reporting purposes, criminal offenses are divided into two major groups: Part I offenses and Part II offenses.
In Part I, the UCR indexes reported incidents in two categories: violent and property crimes. Aggravated assaultforcible rapemurder, and robbery are classified as violent while arsonburglarylarceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft are classified as property crimes. These are reported via the document named Return A – Monthly Return of Offenses Known to the Police. Part 1 crimes are collectively known as Index crimes, this name is used because the crimes are considered quite serious, tend to be reported more reliably than others, and are reported directly to the police and not to a separate agency (ex- IRS) that doesn't necessarily contribute to the UCR.
In Part II, the following categories are tracked: simple assault, curfew offenses and loitering, embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting, disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, drug offenses, fraud, gambling, liquor offenses, offenses against the family, prostitution, public drunkenness, runaways, sex offenses, stolen property, vandalism, vagrancy, and weapons offenses.
Two property reports are also included with the Return A. The first is the Property Stolen by Classification report. This report details the number of actual crimes of each type in the Return A and the monetary value of property stolen in conjunction with that crime. Some offenses are reported in greater detail on this report than on the Return A. For example, on the Report A, burglaries are divided into three categories: Forcible Entry, Unlawful Entry – No Force, and Attempted Forcible Entry. On the Property Stolen by Classification report, burglaries are divided into six categories based on location type and the time of the offense. Offenses are counted in residences with offense times of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Unknown Time and Non-residences with the same three time groupings.
The second property report is the Property Stolen by Type and Value report. The monetary value of both stolen and recovered property are totaled and classified as one of eleven property types

Individual Aggressions: Offences and Physical Aggression against the person

physical: Offence against the person - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
of Common Law
  • Fatal offences : 
Violent crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Violent Crime in the United States.png
  • Fatal offences
    • Murder: murder
    • Manslaughter: criminal homicide (voluntary manslaughter) 

Sexual Offenses and Aggression:

  • Sexual offences: 


Sex and the law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Material: Offenses and Aggression against Property Rights

robberyarsonburglarylarceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft 

Return A. For example, on the Report A, burglaries are divided into three categories... 

Property crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mental Aggression and Offenses: 

(e.g. "cyberbullying", etc.),
mostly for the "sadistic" aspect of aggression, out of cruelty

Thrill killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



  • Non-fatal non-sexual offences 

W: The crimes are usually grouped together in common law countries as a legacy of the Offences against the Person Act 1861.
Although most sexual offences will also be offences against the person,[3] for various reasons (including sentencing and registration of offenders) sexual crimes are usually categorised separately. Similarly, although many homicides also involve an offence against the person, they are usually categorised under the more serious category.


Offenses against groups, societies, cultures and people

 treason: individual's aggression against the group


hate crimes


Group Aggressions: 

Gangs and Criminal Groups 

Criminal States

War Crimes


The nature of human and animal aggressive behaviors; BPS approach; Lorenz on Aggression; ethology.


Links and References to posts on Behavioral Biopsychosocial Criminology - Last Update on 12.15.13

Behavioral Criminology: Crime and Criminology - Searches and Links

Behavior and Law: Crime and Behavior: Links and References - 1 - Last Update on: 4:15 PM 12/13/2013
Puerto Rico News: Crime In Puerto Rico: Attempts At Analysis And Search For The Solutions; In Facts And Opinions - Web Review
Crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Correlates of crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Criminology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crime science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crime prevention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crime mapping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Behavioural sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantitative methods in criminology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crime - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crime statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uniform Crime Reports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Crime Victimization Survey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Criminal law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Offence against the person - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Felony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Murder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
crime - Google Search
types of crime - Google Search
causes of crime - Google Search
Crime Human Nature: The Definitive Study of the Causes of Crime - James Q. Wilson, Richard J. Herrnstein - Google Books
causes of crime theories - Google Search
biological theory of crime definition - Google Search
criminology - Google Search
behavioral criminology - Google Search
Why Crime Keeps Falling -$file/cjb54.pdf
The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community
What causes crime? - UK - News - The Independent
biopsychosocial criminology - Google Search
psychosocial criminology - Google Search
psychosocial criminology an introduction - Google Search
psychosocial criminology definition - Google Search
psychosocial criminology david gadd - Google Search
criminal behavior - Google Search
criminality - Google Search
crime prevention - Google Search
crime prevention programs - Google Search
crime prevention programs and mental illness - Google Search
crime prevention and mental illness - Google Search

Puerto Rico

Crime in Puerto Rico - Articles - 02

crime in puerto rico - Google Search
crime in puerto rico stats - Google Search
puerto rico - Search Results