Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mike Nova: Beliefs, their phenomenology, psychopathology, sociopathology and clinical quantitative assessment - working draft

Last Update: 11:41 AM 5/22/2012


Mike Nova: Beliefs, their phenomenology, psychopathology, sociopathology and clinical quantitative assessment - working draft




Beliefs, their place and assessment in Mental State


Affective Component

Jaspers & others

The historical clinical concepts of "paranoia" and "paraphrenia"; Krepelin, Freud, J. Wagner-Jauregg, Schneider and others: 19 - 20 centuries "paradigm"  


Beliefs as paradigms and paradigms as beliefs



Nature and cognitive purpose of beliefs

The Range of Beliefs

Common, religious, scientific, medical, judicial and other beliefs

The Hierarchy of Beliefs and Belief Systems

The elements of normal belief formations

The dynamics of normal belief formations

The "Tree" metaphor and model of normal belief formations


The hypothesis of "abnormal" ("aberrant, deficient", etc.) "cognitive (including its ideational and affective components) pruning": concepts selection, elimination and confirmation as a psychopathological model of "Delusional Beliefs" formation.

The role of affective factor in "normal" and "abnormal" belief formations


Social Pathology

Shared Beliefs and shared Delusions

Societies: "Sane" and "Insane"

Eric Fromm


Clinical Quantitative Assessment of Delusional Beliefs

Categorical "cut off" vs. Dimensional approach; Delusional Beliefs as Psychopharmacological Targets

Intensity, strength of delusional conviction; the degree of their "incorrigibility

Functional Impairment

Features: Oddity; cultural factors

 Nosology of Delusional Beliefs

Disorder specific Delusional Beliefs

Sources, References and Links

cognitive pruning: GS


Google Search


Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Instituts Canadiens ...

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  • OpEdNews - Article: Psychiatrists Seek New Patients At Annual Meeting; Watch For These New Diseases

    Monday, May 21, 2012
    Psychiatrists Seek New Patients At Annual Meeting; Watch For These New Diseases
    (6 comments) Some question the objectivity of a disorder manual written by those who stand to benefit from an enlarged patient pool and new diseases. Furthering the appearance of self-dealing is the revelation that 57 percent of the DSM-5's authors have Pharma links.

    OpEdNews - Article: Psychiatrists Seek New Patients At Annual Meeting; Watch For These New Diseases

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    Psychiatrists Seek New Patients At Annual Meeting; Watch For These New Diseases


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    The first week in May brought a new leader in France and new prospects for same sex couples seeking marriage. But at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting in Philadelphia, attended by 11,000 psychiatrists, it was the same old same old. Instead of listening to the public outcry about overmedicated children, soldiers, elderly and everyday people watching too many drug ads, the psychiatry group re-affirmed its resolve to pathologize healthy people and even rolled out new groups to target.
    This is the year the APA puts the finishing touches on DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a compendium that determines what treatments insurers will cover, what disorders merit funding as "public health" threats and of course, Pharma marketing and profits. Some question the objectivity of a disorder manual written by those who stand to benefit from an enlarged patient pool and new diseases. Furthering the appearance of self-dealing is the revelation that 57 percent of the DSM-5's authors have Pharma links.
    No kidding. Present at this year's meeting were former APA president Alan F. Schatzberg, MD and Charles Nemeroff, MD, both investigatedby Congressfor murky Pharma income. Schatzberg and Nemeroff are co-editors of the APA-published Textbook of Psychopharmacology whose 2009 edition cites the work of Richard Borison, MD former psychiatry chief at the Augusta Veterans Affairs medical center who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for a $10 million clinical trial fraud. Also present was S. Charles Schulz, MD, who was investigated for financial links to AstraZeneca believed to alter his scientific conclusions.
    Even though Assistant Secretary of Defense Jonathan Woodson sent a memo to all branches of the military in February about overprescription of antipsychotic medications like Seroquel and Risperdal for PTSD, military figures closely linked to that overprescription were listed in attendance at the APA meeting.
    Elspeth Ritchie, MD, who told the Denver Post that AstraZeneca's Seroquel was "very useful for the treatment of anxiety and combat-related nightmares," though it was (and is) not approved for such treatment while she was medical director of the army's Strategic Communications Office in 2008, participated in many symposiums. Ritchie, who is now chief clinical officer for the District of Columbia's department of mental health, appeared in an AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly funded webcast for the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy in 2008 in which she lauds the use of "sophisticated" psychiatric medicines "on the battlefield." (see endnote)
    Seroquel earned AstraZeneca nearly $6 billion in revenue last year, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer. "IMS Health, a healthcare information and services company, said that in the 12 months ending in February of this year, 14.1 million Seroquel prescriptions were written, more than any other antipsychotic," it reports.

    Also participating in the military and PTSD content at the APA meeting was Matthew Friedman, MD, Executive Director of the VA's National Center for PTSD who reported, "I received an honorarium from AstraZeneca in the past year," in a 2009 government slide show called "Pharmacological Treatments of PTSD and Comorbid Disorder." Friedman also served as a Pfizer Visiting Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine last year yet is listed in the APA meeting guide as having no "significant relationships to disclose." APA officials have not responded to several requests for comment.
    Of course disorders that Big Pharma has helped monetize like bipolar (which was termed "under diagnosed" and emerging in the elderly at the meeting) and "mood disorders" (once called "life") were well represented. But an alarming amount of attention also went to the apparent new Pharma profit center of alcoholism and drug addiction.
    Addiction specialists have known for more than 70 years that the only "treatment" for drug addiction and alcoholism (after patients are detoxed) are anonymous, self-help programs that are also free. In fact medicine is as powerless to understand or treat drug addiction and alcoholism as alcoholics and drug addicts are over their addiction.
    Still the National Institutes of Health, in conjunction with Big Pharma, continues to spend millions, some say billions, developing "animal models" of addiction and vaccines to "cure" them. Nora D. Volkow, MD director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, says she seeks a vaccine to treat those at risk of alcoholism and drug addiction on the basis of "biological and environmental factors," before they get sick. (See: treating those "at risk" for psychosis or depression or bipolar disorder on the basis of their family histories with no symptoms or evidence.)

    (Photo from "Maternal and Fetal C-Cocaine Uptake and Kinetics Measured In Vivo by Combined PET and MRI in Pregnant Nonhuman Primates," Journal of Nuclear Medicine, February 1, 2005 vol. 46 no. 2 312-320)
    It is pretty fair to say Volkow is not an alcoholic or drug addict. Any of them could tell her they don't seek "help" until they're out of options--and even then not from a doctor but from each other. If Pharma, the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the American Psychiatric Association think they can treat a disease caused by drugs with a drug, that's pretty insane. In fact, one of the treatments suggested for alcoholism at the meeting was quetiapine, also known as Seroquel.
    <!--[if !supportEndnotes]-->

    < !--[endif]-->
    <!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[i]<!--[endif]--> "The Returning Veteran: PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury," Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy, May 28, 2008

    Martha Rosenberg is a health reporter and commentator whose work has appeared in Consumers Digest, the Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Los Angeles Times, Providence Journal and Newsday. She serves (more...)
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
    and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

    Blogs de ParaSaber.com » Darlene's blog » Download ebook: Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology

    Blogs de ParaSaber.com » Darlene's blog » Download ebook: Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology

    Darlene's blog

    20 May 2012
    Escrito por: buvygaty el 20 May 2012 - URL Permanente

    Download ebook: Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology

    Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology by David Castle, Robin Murray

    Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology

    Download Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology

    Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology David Castle, Robin Murray
    Language: English
    Page: 236
    Format: pdf
    ISBN: 0521819407, 9780511195761
    "We congratulate them (the authors) on their accomplishment and recommend this book enthusiastically for all clinicians and researchers interested in substance related issues." Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Shahla Modir, MD, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, and John Tsuang, MD, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

    DSM critique in the New England Journal of Medicine is not what it seems « ALTmentalities

    DSM critique in the New England Journal of Medicine is not what it seems « ALTmentalities

    DSM critique in the New England Journal of Medicine is not what it seems 05/21/2012Posted by ALT in DSM-5, Mental Health Research.
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    I heard the rumors of a fight, and I came a-running.
    Fisticuffs, you say? I’m in!
    This morning, I read [here] that the following inflammatory remarks were published in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine:
    … [Only when psychiatrists address] psychiatric disorders in the same way that internists address physical disorders, explaining the clinical manifestations … by the causal processes and generative mechanisms known to provoke them … will psychiatry come of age as a medical discipline and a field guide [the DSM – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual] cease to be its master work.
    - Paul McHugh, MD and Phillp Slavney, MD in the NEJM [emphasis added]
    Damn, that’s cold. And did I mention it was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (!), which is “one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals… cited in scientific literature more frequently than any other biomedical journal”? All kinds of doctors, clinicians, and practitioners read this thing!
    A big deal.
    Sounds like the authors are saying mental illness is fundamentally NOT like diabetes, that psychiatry as a discipline will continue to suffer from its immaturity and crippling inferiority complex (“we wanna be scientists, too!”) as long as diagnosis doesn’t rest on a firmly established foundation of physical pathology, and that the DSM is a poor substitute for that kind of a foundation.
    Them’s fighting words. Words that might make the NEJM readership think twice before handing out diagnoses and their accompanying pharmacological interventions like the proverbial candy.

    Don’t believe every rumor you hear

    Having matured a bit from my high school days of running directly to join the ring of kids chanting “fight, fight, fight!”, I decided to get a little context. Who are these guys -– researchers? psychiatrists? some other kind of doctors? — and what does the rest of their NEJM editorial say?
    “These guys” are two psychiatrists, professors at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Paul McHugh, the lead author, is a rather famous one. He’s attended Harvard, designed a famous cognitive test often used as a dementia/Alzheimer’s diagnostic tool (a mere 11 questions!), served on the Presidential Council of Bioethics under GW and on a lay panel put together by the Catholic Church to look into the abuse of young boys by priests – none of these things being very high recommendations in my book. The two, together, have written a popular paperback for the general public entitled The Perspectives of Psychiatry which takes the biopsychiatric/disease-based approach to mental health.
    And their editorial? It starts off very nicely with a critique of the DSM-delineated “field guide” method of diagnosis – the main problem being that clinicians no longer think too long or hard about causation. This promotes a “rote-driven” method of treating folks, and as the authors so rightly state “identifying a disorder by its symptoms does not translate into understanding it.” Or treating it effectively, if long-term studies of schizophrenia outcomes are any indication.
    But things go sour real fast as we get to the “what’s to be done about it” part. We simply must establish causation for psychiatric disorders, and – guess what?—the authors have already done that!
    The causes of psychiatric disorders derive from four interrelated but separable families: brain diseases, personality dimensions, motivated behaviors, and life encounters.
    -McHugh et al.
    Good, good.
    They have also helpfully sorted out some common psychiatric disorders into the four families, or “causal perspectives”:
    It’s written in a table so it MUST be true!
    Right there, in the NEJM (remember – prestigious medical journal read by everybody), we’ve got schizophrenia neatly categorized as “brain disease.”
    Oh, dear.

    I diagnose thee… Flipfloppers!

    Contrast the NEJM editorial with the polite phrasing the authors used in the aforementioned co-authored The Perspectives of Psychiatry, chapter 6:
    The continuing failure to identify a particular cerebral pathology or pathophysiology in these disorders [manic depression and schizophrenia] undermines attempts to proclaim them as diseases with complete confidence. They remain mysteries in the sense that a confirmation of their essential nature is lacking…
    - authors Paul McHugh, MD and Phillp Slavney, MD in The Perspectives of Psychiatry [emphasis added]
    And yet they feel comfortable, only a few years after these words were published, with proclaiming schizophrenia as a “brain disease,” without providing any citations for new, groundbreaking research whatsoever. Clearly this “DSM critique” is not what it seems.

    Middle way protestors all the way

    As it turns out, these guys are total middle way DSM protestors – the only thing they’d like to fight is the bad public image of the DSM, not the institution of psychiatric diagnoses masquerading as science, and all of the poor treatment that goes along with such posturing (symptom suppression via pharmaceuticals, coercive treatment, et al.).
    According to McHugh and Slavney, “no replacement of the criterion-driven diagnoses of the DSM would be acceptable; clinicians are too accustomed to them.” Rather, the only solution is for everyone [clinicians, researchers, families, patients] to embrace their causation groupings – and for that to be coded and billable, too, one can only presume.
    In no other field would you continue to reach for an admittedly blunt, ineffective tool simply because it’s “what people are used to.” Surely there are some other possiblities?
    I believe that there is another way – instead of fitting people and their “symptoms” into predetermined boxes, we could communicate with each unique individual, offering our support and encouragement (help) when it’s wanted, and offering our respectful non-interventionism and acknowledgement of the humanity of the suffering individual when our “help” is neither helpful nor desired.
    I believe there is life after the DSM – and I’d like, as a society and a community, to live it!

    Psychiatrists identify 'asylum seeker syndrome' - Yahoo!7

    Psychiatrists identify 'asylum seeker syndrome' - Yahoo!7

    A group of Australian psychiatrists has identified a new mental illness syndrome unique to asylum seekers.
    The group is presenting its evidence on Prolonged Asylum Seekers Syndrome at an international psychiatry conference in Hobart.
    It was identified after studying the mental health of asylum seekers and refugees living in Melbourne.
    Major depression was diagnosed in more than 60 per cent of asylum seekers and about 30 per cent of refugees.
    Associate Professor Suresh Sundram, from the University of Melbourne, says asylum seekers who had their applications rejected repeatedly showed clinical symptoms not seen before.
    "It's people who are being subjected to protracted periods of refugee determination, so ones who are not getting quick responses," he said.
    "But maybe even more importantly, it's people who are being repeatedly rejected and have continued to press claims for protection.
    "They seem to be especially vulnerable.
    "We have talked about this syndrome before but it is becoming increasingly clear that it appears to be distinct from anything else that we have been seeing."
    Psychiatrists say the latest evidence shows asylum seekers should be allowed to live in the community to improve their wellbeing.
    "The refugee determination process in Australia seems to contribute to the prevalence of post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in asylum seekers insofar as asylum seekers who have had four or more rejections for protection visas, the level of PTSD correlates with the number of rejections that they have had," Associate Professor Sundram said.
    "Those asylum seekers who seem to have a protracted process of refugee determination, they seem to demonstrate clinical features that we haven't seen before and certainly seem to characterise a unique, or distinct, syndrome from other people who have been through similar types of traumas.
    "We've coined the term to best describe this subgroup of asylum seekers who've had this protracted and difficult refugee determination process."
    He says Australia does not have adequate services to deal with the problem because it is not well understood or recognised within the public mental health system.
    An Iranian man who waited for four years to have his refugee status approved has backed the findings.
    Mohsen Sultani was approved in 2004 and says he still suffers mental anguish, as do many people who were in his situation.
    "They don't know anything about (their) future and on top of that the Government accused them of (being) a queue jumper, children overboard, all this stuff...it is absolutely a nightmare," he said.

    Give your psychiatrist a diagnosis of his own: Six disorders to choose from

    Give your psychiatrist a diagnosis of his own: Six disorders to choose from

    af3353b6e9Doctor.jpg Give your psychiatrist a diagnosis of his own: Six disorders to choose from

    (NaturalNews) Given the controversy over the legitimacy of the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual (DSM) used for psychiatric diagnosis, I thought I'd clear things up by submitting the following revisions. These carefully considered and researched new labels should do the trick, as they are intended to make the DSM more balanced by offering the patient an opportunity to diagnose the doctor.

    If you are a doctor and are offended by these proposed DSM additions, then they certainly apply to you. If you are a patient or concerned citizen and are ready to bust one of these onto an unsuspecting doc, you can follow it with the remedy at the end of this article. Here are my six proposed additions to the DSM (others are being researched).

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035934_psychiatry_disorders_mental_health.html#ixzz1vb9WAs6a

    CRD: Compassion repression disorder

    Symptoms: When the doc is in the presence of human suffering, he pretends nothing is happening. He could be watching a chess match for all we know. When a patient reaches emotional extremes (as in extraordinarily depressed) he realizes it is time to initiate electro-convulsive therapy and send electric shocks through her brain, possibly wiping out much of her memory. The doc is fine with this and proceeds to go out for a sandwich.

    GNTFY: Got no time for you syndrome

    Symptoms: Due to concerns about making his yacht payment and country club dues, the doc obsessively packs in 4-5 patients every hour. When you ask a question that takes more than 7.5 seconds to answer, the doc quickly regurgitates several medical terms, hands you a brochure and dashes for the door.

    PCSD: Pervasive communication skills disorder

    Symptoms: When the doc holds sensitive information and needs to break the news to the patient, he hits the patient over the head with it in the most dismissive way possible. If the patient has cancer, for example, the doctor might say, "You have cancer. We can't operate. You are going to die. The exit is to your left just down the hall."

    In less severe cases, such as delivering inconclusive test results (most likely from inadequate testing methods or not knowing what to look for) to a patient who had hopes of finding the cause of a symptom, the doctor takes a more compassionate route, such as, "The results are negative. I guess it really is all in your head."

    IAGS: I am God syndrome (also known as "power trip simplex")

    Symptoms: The doc behaves as if he were all-powerful and all-knowing. When confronted with the truth that he is just guessing most of the time and that there are a variety of effective, alternative ways to heal from mental and emotional issues, he recoils in righteous indignation.

    CPWD: Compulsive prescription writing disorder

    Symptoms: Due to repressed feelings of inadequacy and improper toilet training methods used by his parents, the poor doctor compensates by compulsively reaching for the prescription pad every time he hears a symptom. He can't tolerate messes and when patients lives are a bit messy, he has to clean it up as quickly as possible.

    BPDD: Big pharma dependency disorder

    Symptoms: The doc displays little or no ability to actually help people and has no interest human nature anyway, so he is 100% (one HUNDRED percent) dependent upon the pharmaceutical industry to tell him what to do with his patients. Aside from studying which medication matches which symptoms (as can be discerned in 12 minutes or less) the doctor has no other skills. Poor communication skills. No compassion. Little interest in the emotional causes of problems. No taste for nutrition therapy. Nothing!

    There really isn't much there, folks. This guy is a pill-pusher and that's about it! I guess we should show some compassion of our own. After all, once the doc gets a little taste of how easy and lucrative it is to prescribe a pill, he gets sucked right in. Before you know it, he is hooked on the easy money.

    He doesn't have a medical practice that seeks to solve deep problems at the heart of the human condition. He isn't connecting with people in their suffering and helping them work out their emotional problems. He is no teacher or mentor. He is a pill pusher caught up in the drug cartel's deadly game.

    Worst of all, now it is too late. You see, he's got overhead. Bills! Actually helping people takes time he no longer has. You have to get to know people. You need to contemplate their circumstance in life. You can't do it in 15 minutes. You can see one patient per hour at most. There goes that $600,000 annual income. You'd have to cut back to a mere $150,000 annually, or something close to it. So, yeah, it's tough for these guys.

    The remedy to all of the above. A sincere plea to the doctor: Please, please stop. We need good doctors. You have so much opportunity to assist people who put their trust in you. Slow down. Learn to really help people who are suffering with emotional problems. Learn to work with other practitioners of all kinds. The work is rewarding, unlike the pill factory you currently operate. Please consider this request to make a real difference.

    About the author:
    Get the free mini-course taken by more than 10,000 people, Three Soul Stirring Questions That Reveal your Deepest Goals.

    Learn more about Mike's down-to-earth life coaching that comes with a lifetime membership to the iNLP Center online school and receive a free life coaching strategy session.

    Mike Bundrant is the host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program, and the co-founder of the iNLP Center.

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035934_psychiatry_disorders_mental_health.html#ixzz1vb9KYRPI