0933 GMT: He says there will be "war between internationalists and nationalists in Europe" and predicts it will happen within a decade.
0932 GMT: He claims the leaders of France, Britain and Germany have acknowledged that multiculturalism doesn't work, adding: "In Norway, the opposite is happening ... We are getting more immigration."
0930 GMT: Judge asks if he is almost finished. Breivik says he has one page to go.
0929 GMT: He says "rivers of blood caused by Muslims" flow through European cities, such as Madrid, London.
"European multiculturalists are so arrogant that they don't want dialogue with us (militant nationalists) ... instead they have chosen censorship, ridicule."
0924 GMT: He continues: "It is extremely unfair and it is unacceptable… We as Norway's indigenous population … have special rights to this country and this is something we will fight for."
0923 GMT: He compares himself to the Crazy Bull and other Indians who fought for their people. He then likens his cause to Tibetans fighting for autonomy.
"Does Norway have a indigenous population?" he asks. "Yes, ethnic Norwegians."
0919 GMT: Breivik insists he has three pages to go, containing "essential information."
He describes neighbourhoods in Oslo, like Groruddalen, as a "no go zone for anyone but Muslims".
"I am born and raised in a conflict zone," he adds. "Many Muslims do not wish to be included .. they despise Norway. Many Muslims in Norway and Europe want autonomy. Sharia self-rule."
0915 GMT: A lawyer for survivors and family members interrupts, says she has received numerous messages from her clients reacting to Breivik being allowed to continue his ideological rant. Judge tells him to get to his conclusion.
0912 GMT: "Christians are a persecuted minority," says Breivik. He then moves on to talk about Islamisation: "There are no secular or liberal Muslims. There is just Islam. There are only Muslims and the 'fallen' … who have no influence over Islam".
He claims thousands of his "Norwegian sisters and brothers" have been raped by Muslims.
0907 GMT: Judge is getting impatient, as are family members in the room. Breivik tells judge: "There has been a lot of talk about the five days I have been given, but I never asked for five days. Just this one hour. It is of critical importance,"
0905 GMT: Evoking the destruction of Norwegian society he says: "All that remains is sushi and flat screens".
"Aggressive cultures .. like Islam will grow .. as aggressively as cancer", he adds.
0900 GMT: Breivik says he supports "the Japanese and South Korean model", adding :these such terrible regimes". "They are living proof that nations can be successful, even more successful if they say no to mass immigration".
Judge asks Breivik to keep it short. He says he has reached halfway. He says he can't shorten his speech but agrees to limit discussion of Japan and South Korea. He jumps several pages.
0856 GMT: "I wrote in my compendium that I would be demonised … that is part of the price we pay ... die as a martyr ... is the biggest honour a man or woman could experience in their life. "
"The knowledge that I will be imprisoned does not scare me .. I was born into a prison .. forced to watch my own people be degraded … In this prison you are not allowed to protest .. this prison is called Norway."
0851 GMT: He continues: "Most AUFs (labour youth) are naive and indoctrinated. These were not innocent children, but political activists."
"AUF is like Hitler Jugend."
Judge Wenche reminds Breivik that he had promised to modify his rhetoric. "Please do that," she tells him.
0848 GMT: Life in prison or dying for his people is 'THE BIGGEST HONOUR', says Breivik.
0846 GMT: "The only thing that should surprise Norway is that such a large action has not happened previously. And YES, I WOULD HAVE DONE IT AGAIN." Crimes against his people are much more brutal, he adds.
0843 GMT: He asserts that some forms of violence can prevent greater violence, adding that killing 70 people will stop a civil war in Europe.
"A large civil war will be avoided … We unfortunately don't have the luxury to wait longer", he says, claiming that ethnic Norwegians in a few decades will be in a minority.
0839 GMT: He continues: "People who call me evil have misunderstood the difference between evil and brutal."
He compares himself to the Americans who decided to drop nuclear bombs on Japan, saying they had "good intentions and motives ... even though the methods they used were brutal."
0836 GMT: "When peaceful revolution is made impossible, the only option is violent revolution," Breivik says.
0835 GMT: Breivik sounds as if he is reading an academic paper, listing studies and statistics to show that Europe and Norway are "dysfunctional" due to their multiculturalism, reports AFP's Larson. He has one hand resting on his thigh, one on his document on the table in front of him.
The judge asks him if he is reading his manifesto. "No" he replies. "These are my prepared remarks."
0830 GMT: He bemoans rampant media censorship in Norway, pointing to negative coverage of the Progress Party.
0829 GMT: "Is it democratic that the people of Norway have never been consulted by referendum on whether more foreigners should be accepted ... to the point of becoming a minority in their own country," Breivik asks the court.
0826 GMT: The defendant is reading steadily from his script, lamenting that the growth of a multicultural society after WWII has led to "cultural self-hatred".
0823 GMT: "I have conducted the most spectacular operation carried out by a nationalist militant this century," boasts Breivik.
0821 GMT: He claims European regimes are not democratic and declares his cause as: "CULTURAL MARXISM".
0819 GMT: Breivik claims Norway's media has painted him as a loser and gives a long list of less than flattering terms they've apparently used.
0817 GMT: Breivik says he has "toned down his rhetoric" for the sake of survivors and victims' families and hopes it will be within an "acceptable framework".
0815 GMT: Five and a half days have been allotted to Breivik's testimony, and many fear he will try to promote his Islamophobic ideology.
0812 GMT: Indreboe will be replaced by substitute judge Anne Elisabeth Wisloeff.
0810 GMT: Lead judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen says calls by lay judge Indreboe for Breivik to face death penalty "weakened confidence".
0758 GMT: It is worth remembering that the death penalty does not exist in Norway, says AFP's Pierre-Henry Deshayes. The maximum penalty Breivik faces, if found criminally responsible, is 21 years in prison, but this could be extended indefinitely if he is still considered a danger to society after that period.
0750 GMT: Freddy Lie, the father of a girl killed by Breivik, tells Dagbladet newspaper: "It's strange that the court didn't check the impartiality of the lay judges before the trial."
0744 GMT: Indreboe's controversial comments appeared on the Verdens Gang newspaper website on the day after the July 22 attacks when he reportedly wrote: "The death penalty is the only fair outcome in this case!!!!" The citizen judge is said to have used a Facebook account to connect to the newspaper's website.
Three citizens were selected at random to sit with two professional judges on the panel trying Breivik.
0728 GMT: There are substitute judges present, so if Indreboe is deemed unfit, he will likely be immediately replaced and the trial should continue as scheduled, reports AFP's Nina Larson.
0726 GMT: Lead judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen addresses the question of alleged remarks by one of the judges, Thomas Indreboe, calling for Breivik to face the death penalty. "The lay judge himself has acknowledged that he made these comments on July 23," she says.
The judge says the court will retire for 30 minutes to make a decision over the matter after both prosecution and defence said they considered Indreboe unfit.
0710 GMT: The defendant is again wearing a black suit and gold tie. He whispers something to his lawyer, his fists clenched at his side, Larson reports.
The official translator has issued a correction in relation to Monday's proceedings, reports Deshayes. When Breivik pleaded not guilty he invoked "legitimate defence", translated by some media as "self defence". Official interpreters say the judicial term is "on grounds of necessity".
0704 GMT: Breivik stands, glances slowly around the courtroom at everyone seated there, reports Nina Larson. He has a pile of papers in front of him -- presumably the 30-minute speech he has asked to deliver to the court.
0659 GMT: Members of the defence team arrive in court, wearing long black robes, along with prosecutors Inga Bejer Engh and Svein Holden. All psychiatric experts have taken their seats.
Questions have arisen over the impartiality of one of the judges, my colleague Pierre-Henry Deshayes reports. After the attacks, a judge allegedly demanded the death penalty for Breivik. "The death penalty is the only justice for this case," Norway's media cited him as saying.
0652 GMT: "The courtroom is teeming with journalists, and some family members of victims have also taken their seats," says AFP's Nina Larson from the courthouse. Once the trial opens, a limited number of camera crews will be allowed to shoot for the first five minutes. They are banned from broadcasting Breivik's testimony.
0646 GMT: Three of the four psychiatric experts enter the court, where they will continue to observe Breivik.
The accused pleaded not guilty on Monday to charges of acts of terror but he did acknowledge carrying out the attacks. The trial will therefore focus not on his guilt but on the question of whether he can be held responsible for his actions. It will essentially determine whether Breivik is sent to prison or a psychiatric ward.
0640 GMT: "Today's proceedings will be focussed on one problem: the opportunity for Breivik to expose his ideology in order to explain his acts, and therefore the risk that the trial could turn into a platform for his extremist views," explains AFP's Philippe Deshayes from outside the Oslo district court.
To recap, Breivik's lawyer Geir Lippestad on Monday asked permission for his client to read a text on the second day of the trial which would last around 30 minutes. He believes the defendant must be heard in an effort to establish his mental state.
WELCOME TO AFP'S LIVE REPORT on the trial of Anders Behring Breivik over the killing of 77 people in twin attacks in Norway last July. As the trial enters its second day in Oslo, Breivik will be given the opportunity to give his own account of the massacre.