Friday, May 4, 2012

APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry’s New “Bible” | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry’s New “Bible” | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

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APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry’s New “Bible”

I have this slim silver book on my desk called the “Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-IV-TR.” Page 153 reads:
A. Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated):
(1) delusions
(2) hallucinations
(3) disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence)
(4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
(5) negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition
Throughout the book, similarly organized lists of symptoms follow the names of every officially recognized mental disorder—bipolar disorder, autistic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and so on. My slim silver volume is an abridged version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR), the most current edition of the standard reference guide for psychiatrists. It’s the book that many psychiatrists consult when deciding what ails their patients.
For the past 11 years, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which publishes the DSM, has been working on a brand new version of the manual, the DSM-5 (no more Roman numerals, now that we have fully entered the age of digital publishing). Psychiatry’s new “bible” is slated for publication in May, 2013.
The APA has overhauled the DSM several times in the past—always a laborious and controversial process. This time, the association is doing things a little differently. Psychiatrists within and outside the APA have long criticized the revision process for its opacity. So the APA has made drafts of the new DSM-5 available on their website for public comment and has amended the drafts based on feedback from the psychiatrists, psychologists and the general public.
The latest drafts of the DSM-5 are now available online and open to comment for the next six weeks. Here are the most significant updates:
-The APA is no longer considering “Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome” as a new official disorder in the DSM-5. The proposed diagnosis was supposed to help identify children at risk for developing a psychotic disorder, but research has shown that 2/3 of children who qualify as “at risk” never progress to true psychosis.
-The APA is no longer considering “Mixed Anxiety Depressive Disorder” as a new official disorder in the DSM-5. Many psychiatrists worried that the new diagnosis was too vague and that too many people would qualify.
-The APA has added a footnote to the Major Depressive Disorder criteria “to clarify the difference between normal bereavement associated with a significant loss and a diagnosis of a mental disorder.” Previous changes to the depression criteria reframed grief that lasted longer than 2 months as a sign of depression, even if someone had recently lost a loved one—a mistake that drew intense criticism.
Over at Time magazine, Maia Szalavitz has a great discussion of the newest changes. She also points to Allen Frances’s critical analysis at Psychology Today.
This year, the APA is holding its annual meeting from May 5 to 9 in Philadelphia, where much of the discussion will focus on the drafts of the DSM-5 and the results of “Field Trials”—dry runs of the new diagnostic criteria in clinical settings. I am attending the conference to learn more and, next week, my colleague Ingrid Wickelgren at Scientific American MIND and I will bring you a series of blogs about the DSM-5 authored by ourselves and some well-known researchers and psychiatrists. For the duration of next week, we will also publish my feature article about DSM-5 in its entirety on our website. After next week, you can still read the feature in the May/June issue of MIND. Stay tuned!
About the Author: Ferris Jabr is an associate editor focusing on neuroscience and psychology. Follow on Twitter @ferrisjabr.
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

DSM-5 Debate: Committee Backs Off Some Changes, Re-Opens Comments | Healthland |

DSM-5 Debate: Committee Backs Off Some Changes, Re-Opens Comments | Healthland |

DSM-5 Debate: Committee Backs Off Some Changes, Re-Opens Comments

The committee responsible for revising the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — psychiatry’s diagnostic “bible” commonly referred to as the DSM — has dropped the inclusion of two controversial new diagnoses that it had previously proposed, and re-opened its website for public comment on other potential revisions.
The moves are a sign that the public uproar over some of the changes has hit home, but many of the most contentious amendments still remain.
“For the first time in its history, DSM-5 has shown some flexibility and capacity to correct itself. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of what will turn out to be a number of other necessary DSM-5 retreats,” wrote Dr. Allen Frances, chair of the DSM-4 task force, on his blog at Psychology Today, in response to the committee’s turnabout. Frances is a major critic of the DSM-5.
(MORE: Good Grief! Psychiatry’s Struggle to Define Mental Illness Goes Awry)
The DSM defines and classifies all mental illnesses and is widely used by practitioners and insurance companies to determine what conditions are considered abnormal, which treatments should be covered by insurance companies, and which warrant special educational services. Consequently, changes to the precise content of the DSM have major social implications.
One of the new diagnoses that the editors chose to exclude is “attenuated psychosis syndrome,” a condition designated to describe youth who are at high risk of developing schizophrenia — before they develop the full-fledged disorder.
Problem is that only 8% of those categorized as “high risk” because they having close relatives with the disorder or have suggestive symptoms actually went on to develop schizophrenia, according to a recent study. Many critics of the new diagnosis feared that it would legitimize the potentially dangerous practice of administering powerful antipsychotic drugs to youths. With every major manufacturer of antipsychotics already paying out hundreds of millions or billions of dollars in fines for mismarketing these medications to youth and the elderly, the problem of overprescribing is already rampant — particularly in vulnerable populations like foster care children.
Frances wrote:
The world is a safer place now that ‘Psychosis Risk’ will not be in DSM-5. Its rejection saves our kids from the risk of unnecessary exposure to antipsychotic drugs (with their side effects of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and shortened life expectancy). ‘Psychosis Risk’ was the single worst DSM-5 proposal — we should all be grateful that DSM-5 has finally come to its senses in dropping it.
(MORE: Drugging the Vulnerable: Atypical Antipsychotics in Children and the Elderly)
The committee also dropped a new diagnosis called “mixed anxiety depressive disorder,” an unnecessary designation that could have further encouraged prescription of medications. (It also made for a seriously unfortunate acronym.)
But other major controversies remain unaddressed. Although some language was changed, the committee still seems determined to include bereavement in the definition of depression, which could allow someone who is going through normal grief after a loss to be diagnosed with major depression. In previous editions of the DSM, bereavement was excluded from the definition: depressive symptoms during grieving were not considered abnormal if they were better explained by the person’s loss and were not extremely prolonged.
Another change that remains is the elimination of the diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, which will be subsumed under autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-5. Autism advocates oppose the change because they are concerned that families affected by Asperger’s will lose critical educational and other services. They also contend that the revision will diminish clarity of diagnoses, both for research purposes and personal understanding.
(MORE: Ending the Autism Epidemic: If the Definition Changes, Will Some Kids Lose Services?)
Further, the committee kept the provision to collapse two currently separate diagnoses, “substance abuse” and “substance dependence,” into “substance use disorder,” which will have varying levels of severity. While most leading addiction experts support doing away with the stigmatizing term “abuse” and the confusing term “dependence” (after all, simply being dependent on a drug to function does not define addiction), combining them into one disorder poses other problems.
Most people who have been diagnosed with substance abuse — misusing alcohol or other drugs — never go on to develop full-blown addiction and can learn moderation. However, the new definition would classify them as having “mild substance use disorder,” which would imply that they are already addicted and require abstinence-only treatment. Such a diagnosis could deter many young people from seeking help for problems like binge drinking, for example, and labeling those who do seek help as “addicts” could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The public is invited to make comments on these and other changes on the DSM-5 website from now until June 15. The new edition is still slated for publication in May 2013.
“The comments we have received over the past two years have helped sharpen our focus, not only on the strongest research and clinical evidence to support DSM-5 criteria but on the real-world implications of these changes,” American Psychiatric Association President Dr. John Oldham said in a statement. “We appreciate the public’s interest and continued participation in the DSM-5 development process.”
Maia Szalavitz is a health writer at Find her on Twitter at @maiasz. You can also continue the discussion on TIME Healthland’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIMEHealthland.
Related Topics: Addiction, Allen Frances, antipsychotics, attenuated psychosis syndrome, bereavement exclusion, Depression, dsm, DSM V, grieving, mourning, psychiatry, substance abuse, substance use disorder, Mental Health, Psychology

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Traumatic brain injury and criminality in adolescent psychiatric inpatients - General Psychiatry News

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Publication year: 2012
Source:Psychiatry Research
Saku Luukkainen, Kaisa Riala, Matti Laukkanen, Helinä Hakko, Pirkko Räsänen
The association of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) with criminality, substance-related disorders and conduct disorders has mainly been studied in adult populations. In our study we examine the association in an adolescent population. We used a population-based clinical sample of 508 psychiatric inpatient adolescents from Northern Finland. The prevalences of TBI and criminality were 26 (5.1%) and 85 (16.7%), respectively. The information on TBI was acquired from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register and on criminality from the Legal Register Center. DSM-IV diagnoses were obtained by interviewing the subjects using the semi-structured Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL). Adolescents with TBI had significantly more often committed crimes compared to adolescents without TBI (53.8% vs. 14.7%, respectively). Prevalences of both violent crimes (42.9% vs. 9.1%) and non-violent crimes (29.4% vs. 6.8%) were also higher in the TBI group. TBI during childhood and adolescence increased the risk of any criminality 6.8-fold (95% 3.0–15.2), conduct disorder 5.7-fold (95% 2.1–15.4) and concomitant criminality and conduct disorder 18.7-fold (95% 4.3–80.1). Our results suggest that clinicians working with mentally ill adolescents who have experienced head injuries should be aware of the increased risk for delinquency and violent tendencies occurring later in the adolescents' lives.

Elsevier Selected as New Publisher of The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - General Psychiatry News

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Elsevier Selected as New Publisher of The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Sacramento Bee
Dilip V. Jeste, MD, Editor-in-Chief, is the Estelle and Edgar Levi Chair in Aging, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging, and Chief of the Geriatric Psychiatry ...

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Sports Psychiatry: "players need to get their brains examined before they play and after they stop and at any time they get a concussion" - Daniel G. Amen, MD Responds to Junior Seau - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

Daniel G. Amen, MD Responds to Junior Seau - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

Daniel G. Amen, MD Responds to Junior Seau

"These players need to know there is HELP for them!"

Published: Thursday, May. 3, 2012 - 9:26 am
/PRNewswire/ -- While Junior Seau's apparent suicide breaks the hearts of football fans nationwide, Daniel G. Amen, MD pleads with other football players and athletes that "there's help from chronic traumatic brain injuries, depression, irritability and memory problems they suffer."
Dr. Amen, founder and CEO of Amen Clinics, Inc., and two-time Board Certified psychiatrist, has conducted three clinical studies with 115 active and former players from the National Football League. Each study shows that it's not only possible, it's likely, that with a brain-directed health protocol, significant improvement can be experienced in decision-making, reasoning, depression, mood and memory.
"Junior Seau was a legend. But even legends cannot escape the ravages of chronic brain damage," said Dr. Amen, who is the lead researcher on three published studies on NFL players and brain damage. He is also a leading researcher on a brain imaging study called SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) and has looked at over 73,000 scans.
"My message to the football community is that players need to get their brains examined before they play and after they stop and at any time they get a concussion. I often say how do you know unless you look," said Dr. Amen.
Dr. Amen began studying the effects of football on brain health in 1999 when Brent Boyd, a former NFL player, came to the Amen Clinics. After Anthony Davis came to the clinic in 2007 his work with active and former NFL players took off. He has partnered with the Los Angeles Chapter of the Retired NFL Players Association to perform the world's largest brain imaging/brain rehabilitation study.
"Our studies found significant evidence that, fortunately, there are treatment protocols that can often reverse many of the symptoms caused by brain damage and improve brain function," said Dr. Amen. The studies include:

  1. Effects of Elevated Body Mass in Professional American Football Players on rCBF and Cognitive Function, Transl Psychiatry (2012) 2, eK, doi:10.1038/tp.2011.67.
  2. Impact of Playing Professional American Football on Long Term Brain Function. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 23:1, Winter 2011, 98-106.
  3. Reversing Brain Damage in Former NFL Players: Implications for TBI and Substance Abuse Rehabilitation. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43 (1), 2011 Online publication date: 08 April 2011.

"Junior may have damaged his pre-frontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making," Dr. Amen said, also noting that Seau was arrested in 2010 for domestic violence, which also may have been a result of poor decision-making. "Brain trauma symptoms can appear decades after the playing days and can include dementia, memory loss, violent behavior, obesity, mental illness and depression. And unfortunately, suicide is more common in people who have experienced brain trauma."
The Amen Clinics, Inc. (ACI) was founded in 1989 by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Amen Clinics now has locations in Newport Beach and San Francisco, California; Bellevue, Washington; and Reston, Virginia ( ACI specializes in using detailed clinical histories, brain imaging, and lab testing for innovative diagnosis and treatment for a wide variety of problems, including weight issues, ADD, anxiety, depression, autistic spectrum disorders, and memory problems. Dr. Amen is a physician, child and adult psychiatrist, brain-imaging specialist, Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and author of five New York Times best-selling books, including his latest, "Use Your Brain to Change Your Age." For more information, call (888) 564-2700.

Media Contact: David Jahr, (949) 874-2667,

This press release was issued through eReleases(R). For more information, visit eReleases Press Release Distribution at

SOURCE Amen Clinics, Inc.

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NYT > Health: The gene variant responsible for blondness in dark-skinned indigenous islanders is distinctly different from the gene that causes blond hair in Europeans, researchers report - General Psychiatry News

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via NYT > Health by By SINDYA N. BHANOO on 5/3/12
The gene variant responsible for blondness in dark-skinned indigenous islanders is distinctly different from the gene that causes blond hair in Europeans, researchers report.

APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry's New “Bible”Scientific American (blog) | DSM-5 Debate: Committee Backs Off Some Changes, Re-Opens Comments - TIME - General Psychiatry News

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Scientific American (blog)

How do controversial revisions in psychiatry's guidebook make you feel?
Philadelphia Inquirer
John Oldham, the psychiatric association's president, said one of the DSM's roles has been to provide definitions that lead to better research. Mental health and illness are on a continuum with no clear lines of demarcation, but scientists need to find ...
DSM-5 Debate: Committee Backs Off Some Changes, Re-Opens CommentsTIME
DSM-5 Field Trial Results a Hot Topic at APA 2012 MeetingMedscape
APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry's New “Bible”Scientific American (blog) -Disability Scoop
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Give ex-prisoners a chance to find jobs - Forensic Psychiatry News

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Ken Clarke calls on big business to give ex-prisoners a chance to find jobs
The Independent
The academies began opening four years ago but this is the first to allow prisoners, who are all risk-assessed first, to serve the public. While it does not accept sex offenders or prisoners with mental-health issues, it provides offenders with a good ...

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Jails in the East have turned into hell - The Himalayan Times – Forensic Psychiatry News

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via Faktensucher by curi56 on 5/3/12
The Himalayan Times – Jails in the east have turned into hell – Detail News.
Added At: 2012-05-04 1:58 AM
Last Updated At: 2012-05-04 1:58 AM
The Himalayan Times – Saved Articles(s)

ITAHARI: Prison houses in the east are crammed with inmates, some housing even more than they can accommodate. And with the mercury rising, these coolers have turned into a hellhole, subjecting those cooling their heels behind bars to serious health hazards.
It’s not that the inmates have not voiced their concerns; they have even launched agitations at times. As many as 93 jailbirds languishing in Sankhuwasabha District Prison had about a month ago submitted a 10-point demand to Chief District Officer requesting him to do the needful to upgrade the jail. But the situation of the prison, which can accommodate only 35 jailbirds, has not changed a bit.
Compared to prisons in the eastern hill region, condition of jails in the Tarai region is worse. The Eastern Region Prison at Jhumka, Sunsari is home to 638 prisoners, exceeding its capacity by 138. Employees at these prisons say that with the onset of summer, the jailbirds are at the risk of contracting diseases. Situation in some of the jails is so bad that the jailbirds have to sleep in turn for the want of enough space.
Chief of Siraha jail Babita Mahato said prisoners usually suffer from diarrhoea and scabies and at times fall unconscious due to the scorching heat. “More than a dozen jailbirds fall sick every day,” said Mahato.
Chhabilal BK, assistant jailer at the Eastern Region Prison said these crowded jails with the lack of water and electricity have turned into hell.
General Manager of the Department of Prison Durga Bhandari admitted that jails in the east were in dilapidated condition. According to him, 42 inmates of Dhankuta jail have been crammed in a dark room of a court after an old prison building in Dhankuta collapsed.
Construction of prison buildings in Ilam and Jhapa is under way. Bhandari said his department had launched a campaign to expand jails and has managed one health worker in each prison in the region. “DoP has plans to expand jails across the country,” added Bhandari, according to whom, there are 13,500 jailbirds in prisons across the country. …
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and thank You for each & all who dare to write about ….

Prisoners can be honest and motivated workers - Forensic Psychiatry News

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via prisons - Google News on 5/4/12

Daily Mail

Prisoners can be honest and motivated workers, Ken Clarke tells business as he ...
Daily Mail
Kenneth Clarke urged businesses, including household names such as Virgin and Marks & Spencer, to hire former prisoners without fear of damaging their reputation or values. Mr Clarke is trying to convince companies to fulfill their 'social ...
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Federal Bureau of Prisons now requires LGBT employee representation in system - Steve Rothaus' Gay South Florida

Steve Rothaus' Gay South Florida

Equality Florida: Federal Bureau of Prisons now requires LGBT employee representation in system

Equality Florida says the Federal Bureau of Prisons now is requiring LGBT employee representation in the national federal prison system.
"I expect Chief Executive Officers at every level to demonstrate support for diversity and inclusion. Every BOP institution and office should provide training and foster an atmosphere that provides access to all Special Emphasis Program areas (e.g., Federal Women's Program; Black Affairs Program; Hispanic Employment Program; Selective Placement Program; Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American Indian Program; lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Program) that have been identified by the President, the Department of Justice, and the Bureau of Prisons. Managers and supervisors must be leaders in supporting Affirmative Employment Committee meetings, events, and activities," writes director Charles E. Samuels Jr. in a Jan. 23, 2012, memo.
Here's the Equality Florida news release:
In a groundbreaking move, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has announced that every federal prison in the U.S. will appoint an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) representative to their long-standing Affirmative Employment Program. The BOP employs approximately 40,000 nationwide, and until now, the LGBT staff did not have a designated representative in the program.

With the addition of an LGBT representative to the BOP’s Affirmative Employment Program, each of the more than 120 BOP facilities will hold at least one event each year that will serve to educate and inform the staff about LGBT diversity issues.
The directive also requires each facility to designate one person as the LGBT Special Emphasis Program Manager, to ensure that equal opportunity issues and concerns affecting LGBT employees are adequately addressed.
The announcement comes just one year after Brian Winfield, managing director of Equality Florida, met with a small team of courageous employees at Florida’s Coleman Federal Correctional Complex to plan the first-ever LGBT staff event within the BOP.
With the support of senior officials at the correctional complex, Winfield worked with the team to create an extremely successful event in June, nationally recognized as Gay Pride Month. As the 2011 event’s keynote speaker, Winfield was the first advocate to speak about LGBT issues at an officially sanctioned staff event within a Federal prison complex.
“I am so proud to have worked with this group of employees whose efforts impacted national policy,” said Winfield. “It is only because they believed that LGBT individuals and issues needed more visibility, and because it was the right thing to do, that employees at federal prisons now have a place at the table within the Bureau of Prisons.”
On June 28, 2012, Equality Florida will once again address staff at Coleman, as Nadine Smith, Equality Florida’s executive director, will be a featured speaker at the facility’s “Lunch & Learn” event. Employees at Coleman’s four correctional facilities are invited to attend the event during their lunch hour to learn about diverse cultural issues.
Earlier this year, BOP Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr. issued a memo specifically addressing Affirmative Employment Programs. In it, he stated, “I am personally committed to ensuring that we provide an environment where diversity is valued, understood and embraced at all Bureau of Prison locations... Every BOP institution and office should provide training and foster an atmosphere that provides access to all Special Emphasis Program areas.”
The memo listed various program areas that, for the first time, included a, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Program.” A program that originated around a conference table in Coleman, Florida.

Equality Florida is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Rights body: Honduras must fix overcrowded prisons - Forensic Psychiatry News

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via prisons - Google Blog Search by unknown on 5/3/12
MEXICO CITY (AP) The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights says Honduras must improve its prisons because they are overcrowded and fall short of safety standards, factors that magnified the effect of a February ...

Children in Solitary - Forensic Psychiatry News

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via Faktensucher by curi56 on 5/3/12
Known as "klondike" or "the hol...Known as “klondike” or “the hole”, this subterranean holding cell was the most severe form of solitary confinement. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This week, the The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry released a policy statement condemning the use of solitary confinement for juveniles. There is no comprehensive data on how many teens and even younger children are in solitary confinement in the United States, but it is safe to say that the number run into the thousands. Juveniles in adult prison often end up in solitary confinement, and isolation is widely used in juvenile facilities as well.
On the ACLU “Blog of Rights” today, David Fathi, Director of the ACLU’s National Prison Project puts the statement in context:
As any parent knows, teenagers are different than adults. This common-sense observation is backed by hard scientific evidence; we know that an adolescent’s brain continues to grow and develop well into his or her twenties. The fact that teenagers’ brains are still developing makes them especially vulnerable to trauma of all kinds, including the trauma of social isolation and sensory deprivation.
That’s why the leading American child psychiatry association just approved a policy statement opposing the use of solitary confinement in correctional facilities for juveniles. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry represents over 7,500 child and adolescent psychiatrists and other interested physicians….PLEASE; READ MORE THERE AND SIGN THE PETITION!
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Breivik trial forces Norway to look again at insanity - Updated News

Breivik trial forces Norway to look again at insanity - Updated News

Published On: Fri, May 4th, 2012

Breivik trial forces Norway to look again at insanity

As Anders Behring Breivik’s trial progresses in Oslo district court, the big question remains whether he can be considered responsible for his actions.
The penal codes of most Western countries allow for punishment to be adjusted according to the severity of the criminal act. In addition, the perpetrator’s level of responsibility for their actions is usually considered. Other legal systems, such as the Sharia-based one of Iran, also make allowances for diminished responsibility.
In Breivik’s case, there is no doubting the extreme severity of his criminal act. His killing of 77 people is the worst case of murder in Norway since World War II. The unanswered question is whether he can be held to account for a massacre to which he confesses.
Two psychiatric reports have come to conflicting conclusions as to whether Breivik was psychotic at the time of his action. The first set of experts believed he suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, yet the second report concluded that he showed no signs of psychosis.
Although Norwegian courts are able to disregard forensic psychiatry reports, in practice it is extremely rare for them to do so. And a quirk in Norway’s penal code means that the question of psychosis is particularly important.
Psychological or medical
Criminal insanity in the penal code of countries such as the UK and US is based on the psychological principle. This means that, in Breivik’s case, he would have to have carried out the killings specifically because of his psychosis in order to escape a jail term.
Because Breivik has stated that he was aware that what he was doing was illegal, if he were being tried in, for example, the UK he would be unlikely to escape punishment under these conditions.
The Norwegian legal system, however, is based on the medical principle. According to the 44th paragraph of Norway’s penal code, simply being psychotic at the moment of action would automatically exempt Breivik from punishment. There is no need for his psychosis to be the direct cause for his actions.
Confusing to many Norwegians, this element of the law has been debated for years, with criticism increasing in the aftermath of the 22 July 2011 attacks.
Ill or extreme?
The initial psychiatric report’s conclusion that Breivik was psychotic would leave him likely to escape imprisonment. A main objection to this report was that a minority of right-wing individuals are known to share Breivik’s extreme world view, as demonstrated by the appearance of Facebook groups and websites calling for his release as a hero.
The second psychiatric report – which came after widespread criticism of the initial assessment of psychosis – sees Breivik as showing signs of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders, such as grandiose thoughts about his own importance and a lack of remorse and empathy.
The second report still describes his actions as related to a mental health problem, but its diagnoses would not stop Breivik being sent to jail.
So the Breivik case has raised the question of how we determine the extent to which extreme opinions, ideas and traits should be understood as symptoms of mental illness.
This problem is illustrated by a saying in psychiatric circles that a single person believing in something is delusional, while two people professing the same belief make up a religion.
It is painful for Norwegian society to consider that we may have lived side by side with someone who sanely and deliberately carried out such extremely hateful and violent acts. But if he is deemed criminally insane, Breivik would be sentenced to psychiatric care rather than to prison, and the public does not really wish that to happen either.
Professor Simon Wessely of the Institute of Psychiatry in London recently argued in the Lancet that Breivik’s case highlights two common misconceptions. First, that people believe that barbaric criminal acts must be due to mental illness. Second, that psychiatry exists to absolve people from their criminal responsibility.
This, he says, caused the outrage expressed by Norwegians when the first report considered Breivik sane.
Prof Wessely also points out how the Breivik case reveals Norway’s continuing prejudice against mentally ill people, despite its reputation as a country where even the prime minister may take sick leave due to depression.
Indeed, even Breivik himself has described the death penalty as preferable to psychiatric care, although his objection is that he believes a verdict of insanity would undermine his credibility.
Several Norwegian experts, including forensic psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist who herself has observed Breivik at Ila prison, have called for Norway’s medical principle to be removed. They believe it to be too liberal.
Further clouding the issue is Breivik’s deliberate use of central stimulants and anabolic steroids ahead of the murders, as psychosis induced by intoxication is explicitly not covered by the 44th paragraph of the penal code concerning state of mind at the moment of action.
Breivik’s trial has forced Norway to hold a mirror up to itself, to re-examine how it assesses criminal insanity.
The case has highlighted the arbitrary aspects of how Norwegian society draws the line between sane and insane. It has also stirred calls for revenge in an otherwise peaceful society.
While Norwegians have gathered in public to sing anti-war songs, anonymous comments have emerged on news websites calling for a return to the death penalty, whether or not Breivik is deemed “ill”.
(BBC News)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

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via Faktensucher by curi56 on 5/3/12
pYesterday, J.T. Ready, a neo-Nazi and member of the anti-immigrant Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, reportedly strapped on body armor, grabbed several firearms, and then killed four people in Gilbert, Arizona. One of the dead is a toddler. Ready also was killed in this incident, although reports vary on whether he took his own life. At [...]/p
viaReported Neo-Nazi Spree Killer Called SB 1070 Sponsor Russell Pearce His ‘Surrogate Father’.

By Rachel Raskin Vallejo Times Herald VALLEJO, Calif. — A Napa State Hospital patient died while under police restraint Tuesday morning, a Napa Sheriff's Department spokeswoman said. It's the second major incident there since January, a local legislator's spokesman said. The death of Brandon Coates, 29, described as an "especially assaultive and aggressive client," comes ...

via behavioral forensics - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 4/30/12
... Psychiatry News · Google Reader - Forensic Psychiatry News ... This expression consisted of two plausible environmental-scanning behaviors (eye darts and head swivels) and was labeled as anxiety, not fear. The facial ...

via behavioral forensics - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 4/29/12
All symptoms and behaviors fit into this (relat... In the news by Karen Franklin PhD: Ranking forensic journals through content analysis. In the news by Karen Franklin PhD: Ranking forensic journals through content analysis ...