Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10:03 AM 6/26/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items: At Trial's End, Lawyers Say Norway Killer Is Not Insane - New York Times | Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers - Addiction. 2012 Jun 22 | The concept of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is both conceptually and clinically useful - J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun | The core Gestalt of schizophrenia - World psychiatry: official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) - 11(2):67-9

10:03 AM 6/26/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items

via psychiatric diagnosis - Google Blog Search by Peter Zachar on 5/22/12
In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on ...

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Brain Banks for Autism Face Dearth
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“There's just no question that human tissue is the gold standard for research, ... of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, said, “This is indeed a setback, ...

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Norwegian Killer Slams Court for Sanity Focus
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"It's quite sad that the monster of Norwegian court psychiatry has managed to take ... "Because July 22 is not about psychiatry, but about Norway's and Europe's ...

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Public still respects court psychiatry
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The traumatic trial of confessed Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik has raised major questions over the role of forensic psychiatry in Norway's legal ...

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Growing Number of Older Woman Struggling with Eating Disorders
Counsel & Heal
The study was published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. Print This Article; Send This Article. Join the Conversation. Please enable JavaScript to ...

via NYT > Health by By KAREN PENNAR on 6/26/12
After years observing and working with elderly patients, Dr. Linda Fried developed criteria for diagnosing frailty, spurring further research into preventing it.

Despite a lack of data demonstrating benefit, psychotropic medications are frequently prescribed for patients with anorexia nervosa.Method:We studied 525 women (18–54 years of age) with anorexia nervosa who presented to the Clinical Research Center at the Massachusetts General Hospital between ...
Mike Nova's starred items

In a 1983 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, Dr. Chalkley and Dr. Powell provided clinical descriptions of 48 of their patients with sexual fetishes, and noted that fetishism is not a criminal act unless accompanied by stealing fetish objects ( i.e., kleptophilia). Interestingly, the authors reported ... Dr. Mark Griffiths is a Chartered Psychologist and Professor of Gambling Studies at the Nottingham Trent University, and Director of the International Gaming Research Unit.

Reform DSM-5" (Brent Robbins, Sarah Kamens). b. 4:30 – 5: 30 pm: "Harmful Psychiatric Diagnosis: A Call to Action" (Paula Caplan,. Caroline Shahbaz). 3. "The Psychological Contributions of Art, History, Narrative and Ritual to Current Social ...

via psychiatry - Google Blog Search by Theodore on 6/25/12
Jon Rappoport talks with James Corbett (June 26th, 2012) about psychiatry and its use as a weapon of manipulation and control over the population. Jon and James discuss the non-scientific basis of "psychiatric disorders" ...

via psychiatry - Google Blog Search by Corbett on 6/25/12
Corbett Report Radio 162 – Psychiatry and You with Jon Rappoport.

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers.
Addiction. 2012 Jun 22;
Authors: Brady JE, Li G

AIMS: This study aims to examine the prevalence of alcohol and/or other drugs (AOD) in a large sample of fatally injured drivers. DESIGN: Using data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System for 2005-2009, the authors examined the prevalence of AOD detected in fatally injured drivers in the United States. SETTING: Fatal motor vehicle crashes occurring on public roads. PARTICIPANTS: Drivers who died within one hour of the crash in 14 states that performed toxicological testing on more than 80% of these drivers. MEASUREMENTS: Prevalence of AOD and multivariable-adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR). FINDINGS: Of the 20,150 fatally injured drivers studied, 57.3% tested positive for AOD, including 19.9% being positive for two or more substances. Alcohol was the most commonly detected substance, present in 40.2% of the fatally injured drivers, followed by cannabinols (10.5%), stimulants (9.0%), narcotics (5.7%), and depressants (4.0%). Multivariable analysis revealed that AOD was significantly more prevalent among drivers who died in single-vehicle crashes [aPR 1.69, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.62-1.76], or nighttime crashes (aPR 1.43, 95% CI: 1.39-1.47), or who had a driving-while-intoxicated conviction within the past three years (aPR 1.41, 95% CI: 1.35-1.47), and less prevalent among drivers who were 65 years or older (aPR 0.45, 95% CI: 0.42-0.49), Asian (aPR 0.47, 95% CI 0.41-0.53), or female (aPR 0.88, 95% CI: 0.85-0.91), or who were operating a motor carrier (aPR 0.41, 95% CI 0.34-0.48). CONCLUSIONS: More than half of fatally injured drivers in the United States had been using AOD and approximately 20% had been using polydrugs. The prevalence of AOD use varies significantly with driver and crash characteristics.
PMID: 22725100 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Sequence of Alcohol Involvement from Early Onset to Young Adult Alcohol Abuse: Differential Predictors and Moderation by Family-Focused Preventive Intervention.
Addiction. 2012 Jun 22;
Authors: Mason WA, Spoth RL

AIMS: This study tests risk factors for four dimensions of alcohol use in the sequence from (a) early onset prior to age 13 to (b) adolescent alcohol use and (c) alcohol problems to (d) young adult alcohol abuse. It also examines whether family-focused preventive interventions buffer predictive relationships. DESIGN: Data were from a randomized prevention trial extending from ages 11 to 21. SETTING: Families of sixth graders enrolled in 33 rural schools in the Midwestern United States were invited to participate. PARTICIPANTS: Families (N = 667) were pretested and randomly assigned to a control group (n = 208) or to family interventions (n = 459). The average age of participating youth was 11.3 years when the study began (52% female). Measurements: Questionnaire data were collected on alcohol dimensions during adolescence (early onset, alcohol use, alcohol problems) and young adulthood (alcohol abuse), and on risk factors in early adolescence (male gender, impulsive behaviors, aggression-hostility, peer deviance, and parent problem drinking). FINDINGS: Impulsive behaviors predicted early onset, peer deviance predicted alcohol use, and parent problem drinking predicted alcohol problems (p <.05). Aggression-hostility and alcohol problems predicted alcohol abuse in the control group (p <.05), but not in the family interventions group (p >.05). CONCLUSIONS: Different dimensions of alcohol use and problems from before age 13 to young adulthood are predicted by different risk factors. Family-focused preventive interventions can reduce the influence of some of these risk factors, including early adolescent aggression-hostility and late adolescent alcohol problems.
PMID: 22724619 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Association between posttraumatic stress, depression, and functional impairments in adolescents 24 months after traumatic brain injury.
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):264-71
Authors: O’Connor SS, Zatzick DF, Wang J, Temkin N, Koepsell TD, Jaffe KM, Durbin D, Vavilala MS, Dorsch A, Rivara FP

The degree to which postinjury posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or depressive symptoms in adolescents are associated with cognitive and functional impairments at 12 and 24 months after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is not yet known. The current study used a prospective cohort design, with baseline assessment and 3-, 12-, and 24-month followup, and recruited a cohort of 228 adolescents ages 14-17 years who sustained either a TBI (n = 189) or an isolated arm injury (n = 39). Linear mixed-effects regression was used to assess differences in depressive and PTSD symptoms between TBI and arm-injured patients and to assess the association between 3-month PTSD and depressive symptoms and cognitive and functional outcomes. Results indicated that patients who sustained a mild TBI without intracranial hemorrhage reported significantly worse PTSD (Hedges g = 0.49, p = .01; Model R(2) = .38) symptoms across time as compared to the arm injured control group. Greater levels of PTSD symptoms were associated with poorer school (η(2) = .07, p = .03; Model R(2) = .36) and physical (η(2) = .11, p = .01; Model R(2) = .23) functioning, whereas greater depressive symptoms were associated with poorer school (η(2) = .06, p = .05; Model R(2) = .39) functioning.
PMID: 22729979 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Advocacy through science: Reply to comments on Resick et al. (2012).
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):260-3
Authors: Resick PA, Wolf EJ, Stirman SW, Wells SY, Suvak MK, Mitchell KS, King MW, Bovin MJ

The 4 comments on the review by Resick et al. (2012) of the complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) literature highlight important theoretical and conceptual questions about the nature and utility of CPTSD and echo the very questions that motivated the review. We discuss the points raised in the comments, particularly with respect to the definition of CPTSD, its relationship to PTSD, and treatment implications. We suggest that setting high scientific standards for CPTSD research is an optimal way to advance the conceptualization of the construct and the treatment of this population.
PMID: 22729978 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Complex PTSD is on the trauma spectrum: Comment on Resick et al. (2012).
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):254-5
Authors: Goodman M

Conceptualizing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) along a spectrum with complex and simple features is integrative and models an approach taken by disciplines in medicine outside of psychiatry. This perspective is offered in the Resick et al. (2012) review. To best delineate the nature and permeability of the border between Complex PTSD and PTSD, an emphasis on clarifying underlying biological processes is needed to move beyond our current reliance on symptomatic description.
PMID: 22729976 [PubMed - in process]

My Debate With The DSM 5 Chair

Recently, I voiced my concerns about DSM 5 in a Medscape interview (http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/763886) with Dr Stephen Strakowski. DSM-5 Task Force Chair David Kupfer then entered the debate and provided his defense (http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/764735).

Here is my reply to Dr Kupfer:

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via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers.
Addiction. 2012 Jun 22;
Authors: Brady JE, Li G

AIMS: This study aims to examine the prevalence of alcohol and/or other drugs (AOD) in a large sample of fatally injured drivers. DESIGN: Using data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System for 2005-2009, the authors examined the prevalence of AOD detected in fatally injured drivers in the United States. SETTING: Fatal motor vehicle crashes occurring on public roads. PARTICIPANTS: Drivers who died within one hour of the crash in 14 states that performed toxicological testing on more than 80% of these drivers. MEASUREMENTS: Prevalence of AOD and multivariable-adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR). FINDINGS: Of the 20,150 fatally injured drivers studied, 57.3% tested positive for AOD, including 19.9% being positive for two or more substances. Alcohol was the most commonly detected substance, present in 40.2% of the fatally injured drivers, followed by cannabinols (10.5%), stimulants (9.0%), narcotics (5.7%), and depressants (4.0%). Multivariable analysis revealed that AOD was significantly more prevalent among drivers who died in single-vehicle crashes [aPR 1.69, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.62-1.76], or nighttime crashes (aPR 1.43, 95% CI: 1.39-1.47), or who had a driving-while-intoxicated conviction within the past three years (aPR 1.41, 95% CI: 1.35-1.47), and less prevalent among drivers who were 65 years or older (aPR 0.45, 95% CI: 0.42-0.49), Asian (aPR 0.47, 95% CI 0.41-0.53), or female (aPR 0.88, 95% CI: 0.85-0.91), or who were operating a motor carrier (aPR 0.41, 95% CI 0.34-0.48). CONCLUSIONS: More than half of fatally injured drivers in the United States had been using AOD and approximately 20% had been using polydrugs. The prevalence of AOD use varies significantly with driver and crash characteristics.
PMID: 22725100 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Sequence of Alcohol Involvement from Early Onset to Young Adult Alcohol Abuse: Differential Predictors and Moderation by Family-Focused Preventive Intervention.
Addiction. 2012 Jun 22;
Authors: Mason WA, Spoth RL

AIMS: This study tests risk factors for four dimensions of alcohol use in the sequence from (a) early onset prior to age 13 to (b) adolescent alcohol use and (c) alcohol problems to (d) young adult alcohol abuse. It also examines whether family-focused preventive interventions buffer predictive relationships. DESIGN: Data were from a randomized prevention trial extending from ages 11 to 21. SETTING: Families of sixth graders enrolled in 33 rural schools in the Midwestern United States were invited to participate. PARTICIPANTS: Families (N = 667) were pretested and randomly assigned to a control group (n = 208) or to family interventions (n = 459). The average age of participating youth was 11.3 years when the study began (52% female). Measurements: Questionnaire data were collected on alcohol dimensions during adolescence (early onset, alcohol use, alcohol problems) and young adulthood (alcohol abuse), and on risk factors in early adolescence (male gender, impulsive behaviors, aggression-hostility, peer deviance, and parent problem drinking). FINDINGS: Impulsive behaviors predicted early onset, peer deviance predicted alcohol use, and parent problem drinking predicted alcohol problems (p <.05). Aggression-hostility and alcohol problems predicted alcohol abuse in the control group (p <.05), but not in the family interventions group (p >.05). CONCLUSIONS: Different dimensions of alcohol use and problems from before age 13 to young adulthood are predicted by different risk factors. Family-focused preventive interventions can reduce the influence of some of these risk factors, including early adolescent aggression-hostility and late adolescent alcohol problems.
PMID: 22724619 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Association between posttraumatic stress, depression, and functional impairments in adolescents 24 months after traumatic brain injury.
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):264-71
Authors: O’Connor SS, Zatzick DF, Wang J, Temkin N, Koepsell TD, Jaffe KM, Durbin D, Vavilala MS, Dorsch A, Rivara FP

The degree to which postinjury posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or depressive symptoms in adolescents are associated with cognitive and functional impairments at 12 and 24 months after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is not yet known. The current study used a prospective cohort design, with baseline assessment and 3-, 12-, and 24-month followup, and recruited a cohort of 228 adolescents ages 14-17 years who sustained either a TBI (n = 189) or an isolated arm injury (n = 39). Linear mixed-effects regression was used to assess differences in depressive and PTSD symptoms between TBI and arm-injured patients and to assess the association between 3-month PTSD and depressive symptoms and cognitive and functional outcomes. Results indicated that patients who sustained a mild TBI without intracranial hemorrhage reported significantly worse PTSD (Hedges g = 0.49, p = .01; Model R(2) = .38) symptoms across time as compared to the arm injured control group. Greater levels of PTSD symptoms were associated with poorer school (η(2) = .07, p = .03; Model R(2) = .36) and physical (η(2) = .11, p = .01; Model R(2) = .23) functioning, whereas greater depressive symptoms were associated with poorer school (η(2) = .06, p = .05; Model R(2) = .39) functioning.
PMID: 22729979 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Advocacy through science: Reply to comments on Resick et al. (2012).
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):260-3
Authors: Resick PA, Wolf EJ, Stirman SW, Wells SY, Suvak MK, Mitchell KS, King MW, Bovin MJ

The 4 comments on the review by Resick et al. (2012) of the complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) literature highlight important theoretical and conceptual questions about the nature and utility of CPTSD and echo the very questions that motivated the review. We discuss the points raised in the comments, particularly with respect to the definition of CPTSD, its relationship to PTSD, and treatment implications. We suggest that setting high scientific standards for CPTSD research is an optimal way to advance the conceptualization of the construct and the treatment of this population.
PMID: 22729978 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Complex PTSD is on the trauma spectrum: Comment on Resick et al. (2012).
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):254-5
Authors: Goodman M

Conceptualizing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) along a spectrum with complex and simple features is integrative and models an approach taken by disciplines in medicine outside of psychiatry. This perspective is offered in the Resick et al. (2012) review. To best delineate the nature and permeability of the border between Complex PTSD and PTSD, an emphasis on clarifying underlying biological processes is needed to move beyond our current reliance on symptomatic description.
PMID: 22729976 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
CPTSD is a distinct entity: Comment on Resick et al. (2012).
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):256-7
Authors: Herman J

The concept of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is both conceptually and clinically useful. This distinct entity is highly prevalent, across different cultures, in survivors of prolonged, repeated trauma. Recognition of this entity as part of the spectrum of traumatic disorders would promote development of effective treatment.
PMID: 22729977 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Simplifying complex PTSD: Comment on Resick et al. (2012).
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):252-3
Authors: Bryant RA

Although constructs related to complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) have been discussed for many years, the field still lacks reliable and standardized definitions to guide research in this field. This comment responds to the article by Resick et al. (2012), who conclude that CPTSD lacks sufficient support to be recognized as a diagnosis. Even though there is no doubt that research is lacking, this comment argues that the key to progressing the field is introducing a standardized definition that will allow researchers to understand CPTSD in relation to other trauma-related disorders, identify key mechanisms driving the condition, and further treatment programs specifically for patients with CPTSD.
PMID: 22729975 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
A critical evaluation of the complex PTSD literature: Implications for DSM-5.
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):241-51
Authors: Resick PA, Bovin MJ, Calloway AL, Dick AM, King MW, Mitchell KS, Suvak MK, Wells SY, Stirman SW, Wolf EJ

Complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has been proposed as a diagnosis for capturing the diverse clusters of symptoms observed in survivors of prolonged trauma that are outside the current definition of PTSD. Introducing a new diagnosis requires a high standard of evidence, including a clear definition of the disorder, reliable and valid assessment measures, support for convergent and discriminant validity, and incremental validity with respect to implications for treatment planning and outcome. In this article, the extant literature on CPTSD is reviewed within the framework of construct validity to evaluate the proposed diagnosis on these criteria. Although the efforts in support of CPTSD have brought much needed attention to limitations in the trauma literature, we conclude that available evidence does not support a new diagnostic category at this time. Some directions for future research are suggested.
PMID: 22729974 [PubMed - in process]

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
Introduction to the special feature on complex PTSD.
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):239-40
Authors: Weiss DS
PMID: 22729973 [PubMed - in process]


See more of Mike Nova's starred items ... 

via Medicine JournalFeeds » Psychiatry by admin on 6/26/12
PTSD: Constructs, diagnoses, disorders, syndromes, symptoms, and structure.
J Trauma Stress. 2012 Jun;25(3):237-8
Authors: Weiss DS
PMID: 22729972 [PubMed - in process]

World psychiatry: official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) (WORLD PSYCHIATRY)

Publisher World Psychiatric Association


Organo ufficiale della World Psychiatric Association (WPA), la rivista rappresenta un forum internazionale focalizzato sui temi di attualità di psichiatria da tutto il mondo. Unico strumento di ricerca e divulgazione veicolato a 15.000 psichiatri di tutto il mondo.
Impact factor
Other titles
World psychiatry (Online)
Material type
Document, Periodical, Internet resource
Document type
Internet Resource, Computer File, Journal / Magazine / Newspaper

Publications in this journal

  • Quality of hallucinatory experiences: differences between a clinical and a non-clinical sample
    World psychiatry: official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA).
    The notion that apparently healthy people can experience psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations "is now becoming the accepted dogma" (1). Part of this "dogma" is the assumption that... [more]
  • The core Gestalt of schizophrenia.
    Authors: Josef Parnas
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):67-9.
  • Predicting the severity of everyday functional disability in people with schizophrenia: cognitive deficits, functional capacity, symptoms, and health status.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):73-9.
    Disability is pervasive in schizophrenia and is refractory to current medication treatments. Inability to function in everyday settings is responsible for the huge indirect costs of schizophrenia,... [more]
  • The self-determination theory perspective on positive mental health across cultures.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):101-2.
  • Positive mental health: is there a cross-cultural definition?
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):93-9.
    SEVEN MODELS FOR CONCEPTUALIZING POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH ARE REVIEWED: mental health as above normal, epitomized by a DSM-IV's Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score of over 80; mental health as... [more]
  • Healthy personality development and well-being.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):103-4.
  • Subjective positive well-being.
    Authors: Per Bech
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):105-6.
  • Positive mental health: a note of caution.
    Authors: Dan J Stein
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):107-9.
  • Peer support among persons with severe mental illnesses: a review of evidence and experience.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):123-8.
    Peer support is largely considered to represent a recent advance in community mental health, introduced in the 1990s as part of the mental health service user movement. Actually, peer support has its... [more]
  • The self and schizophrenia: some open issues.
    Authors: Mario Maj
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):65-6.
  • The placebo response: science versus ethics and the vulnerability of the patient.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):70-2.
  • Classification of feeding and eating disorders: review of evidence and proposals for ICD-11.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):80-92.
    Current classification of eating disorders is failing to classify most clinical presentations; ignores continuities between child, adolescent and adult manifestations; and requires frequent changes... [more]
  • Positive mental health: a research agenda.
    Authors: Alan Carr
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):100.
  • The clinical role of psychological well-being.
    Authors: Giovanni A Fava
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):102-3.
  • What is health and what is positive? The ICF solution.
    Authors: Michael Linden
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):104-5.
  • Problems in the definitions of positive mental health.
    Authors: Hasse Karlsson
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):106-7.
  • Outcomes and moderators of a preventive school-based mental health intervention for children affected by war in Sri Lanka: a cluster randomized trial.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):114-22.
    We aimed to examine outcomes, moderators and mediators of a preventive school-based mental health intervention implemented by paraprofessionals in a war-affected setting in northern Sri Lanka. A... [more]
  • Lessons learned in developing community mental health care in Australasia and the South Pacific.
    Authors: Peter McGeorge
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):129-32.
    This paper summarizes the findings for the Australasia and Pacific Region of the WPA Task Force on Steps, Obstacles and Mistakes to Avoid in the Implementation of Community Mental Health Care. We... [more]
  • Proportion of crimes attributable to mental disorders in the Netherlands population.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(2):134.
  • Bereavement-related depression in the DSM-5 and ICD-11.
    Authors: Mario Maj
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(1):1-2.
  • An attachment perspective on psychopathology.
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(1):11-5.
    In recent years, attachment theory, which was originally formulated to describe and explain infant-parent emotional bonding, has been applied to the study of adolescent and adult romantic... [more]
  • Prototypes, syndromes and dimensions of psychopathology: an open agenda for research.
    Authors: Assen Jablensky
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(1):22-3.
  • A practical prototypic system for psychiatric diagnosis: the ICD-11 Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines.
    Authors: Michael B First
    World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 11(1):24-5.

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Not for Ourselves Alone: The Need to Care

Photo by Jeff Kubina - http://flic.kr/p/HCJzd
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought hard for women's rights, but they never lived to see the end goal. They cared deeply for the plight of others and they worked hard, not for personal benefit, but because it was the right thing to do. In today's selfish world, we would do better to follow their example.
