10:49 AM 6/20/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items: Breivik's Correspondence to Russian Nationalists to setup a Pan-European Prison Support Network for ethnic and cultural protectionism
via NO v. Breivik :: Uncensored by Andrea Muhrrteyn on 6/19/12
Breivik's Correspondence to Russian Nationalists to setup a Pan-European Prison Support Network for ethnic and cultural protectionism
This is why I have spent so much time contributing to create a new ideology, national conservatism. Ethnic and cultural protectionism is the core of this ideology.
Andrea Muhrrteyn | Nicola & RusImperia.Info | 17 June 2012

As for Europe, it is a big problem in western Europe that muslims are dominating in many prisons, especially in France where approximately 70% of the prisoners are Muslim. Many European prisoners are even forcefully converted to Islam against their will, or have had to convert to Islam to stay alive. Other prisoners in a couple of countries are forced to eat halal meat because the prison authorities has decided that serving this is "more economical". Of course this is completely unacceptable. My brother in Denmark has a prize on his head set by muslims so he and other ethnic Danes have been segregated in one wing of the prison in order to prevent violence. you are of course aware of many of these problems and they will increase the next decade because Europe is slowly being drowned to death by especially Islamic Asians and African immigrants.
So yes, my goal is to develop a pan-European prison network consisting of European patriotic martyrs and other politically orientated prisoners. The goal should be to develop a fully operational support organisation for European patriotic martyrs.
Breivik's Correspondence to Russian Nationalists to setup a Pan-European Prison Support Network & detailing the core of national conservatism: ethnic and cultural protectionism
Anders Breivik approved the nomination of Nicholas (Николы Королёва), as head of the department of his organization in Russia, the website DPNI.org. Previously, Breivik said that would create a pan-European network of right-wing radicals of the prisoners by the nationalists in Russia.
Apparently, the Russian representative organizations will be created by Korolev before the Association of White prisoners. Recall that the board of the Association to date, includes representatives of the radical terrorist groups, such as: SPAS, ABTO, VAT-north, and others.
The primary objective of the organization - is providing mutual support among imprisoned nationalists. In the near future the site will earn the Association.
The following is a translation of a letter from Anders Breivik (in a slight reduction) and a photocopy of the original.************
Dear colleagues from Russia!
Dear Russian brother!
It is true that I am working to create a pan-European prison network. Im in the process of contacting Beate Zschäpe in Germany (she Mundlos Uwe, Uwe Bonhardt NSP created a group, the nationalist underground, which wiped out 12 people from 2002 to 2011) and Peter Mangs in Sweden (who shot 10, killing 1 maybe 3 in Malmo) among several others. Beate and Peter have not been convicted yet so I doubt I will hear from them until after their trial is done, due to the fact that they are both pleading innocent.
I'm already in contact with a couple of Norwegians and a patriotic brother in Denmark. This is a slow process for me as I haven't had much time yet for corresponding due to several critical issues. One positive thing with my case though is that the massive media coverage have resulted in several hundred letters from patriots from more than 24 countries, which has enabled me to get in contact with key individuals across the world. This will make the job of creating the network easier for sure, and I am willing to forward contact details as soon as I have gained permission from them to do so ;-)
I have fought very hard to de-legitimize the first fake psychiatric report and this struggle has taken a lot of time. I have also had to prepare for the ongoing trial that started April 16th and will last until July 20th. After that I will have much more time to spend on the patriotic prison network. I estimate that there are at least up to 3000 patriotic prisoners in western-Europe who will be interested to join but it will take years of work to organize them and unite them all, but this will go much faster if we can work together effectively, and share contact addresses, and recruiting more leaders who are fluent in English and willing to network. I am sorry to hear that your regime disallows contact between prisoners. That is unfortunately an extremely effective and a very crippling policy (;-(). I'm glad you have found a way to bypass this.
As for Europe, it is a big problem in western Europe that muslims are dominating in many prisons, especially in France where approximately 70% of the prisoners are Muslim. Many European prisoners are even forcefully converted to Islam against their will, or have had to convert to Islam to stay alive. Other prisoners in a couple of countries are forced to eat halal meat because the prison authorities has decided that serving this is "more economical". Of course this is completely unacceptable. My brother in Denmark has a prize on his head set by muslims so he and other ethnic Danes have been segregated in one wing of the prison in order to prevent violence. you are of course aware of many of these problems and they will increase the next decade because Europe is slowly being drowned to death by especially Islamic Asians and African immigrants.
So yes, my goal is to develop a pan-European prison network consisting of European patriotic martyrs and other politically orientated prisoners. The goal should be to develop a fully operational support organisation for European patriotic martyrs.
The long term goals of the network/organisation should be to provide the following to our brothers: 1. Creating a brotherhood in several prisons in Europe, which should offer protection against muslim attacks in prisons. 2. To educate our brothers and sisters - focus on general education, to learn english (for cross border communication) and essay writing skills. The pen is in fact just as powerfula s the sword. The last goal of the organisation should be to attempt to create an economical fundament to support the wives and children of our martyrs.
As far as I know, a similar network exists in the US (Aryan brotherhood) but not in Europe. As you might be aware of I will be in prison for several decades (;-)) so I have a lot of time to invest in building this network. But in any cause, I would very much like to work with you on the task. Please forbive my ignorance, because I have not yet studied russian patriotic heroes, so I did not know about Nikolai Korolev. As long as you believe that Mr. Korolev is a unifying person and leader who has a talent for communication and diplomacy, then of course I would be willing to work with him. As my network is only in the very beginning of taking shape, it is not for me to decide who is to become the leaders of the Russian network. This is something that you, my Russian brothers, must decide. But if it is decided that Mr. Korolev is to be that person then it would of course be an honour, privilege and a pleasure to work with him. Is he fluent in English or will you play a role in communicating? Your plan to unite 2500 under Nikolai Korolev sounds liek a very fascinating plan btw. I must say that I admire your initiative and I hope you are willing to commit and work hard so tht you succeed. I will work hard to contribute in Western Europe so that we may unite our efforts and become stronger together.
I do not know much about Russian patriotic heroes, but I have learned about the following imprisoned people from Anna working with international support in Greenburg city. The problem is that her letter was in Russian only and ironically, it was the Oslo Police who translated it [..]
If we speak about Russian heroes, patriots, I just heard about Alexis Kostrachenkova, Artem Prokhorenko, Nikolai Pavlenko, Andrew Konakova, Dmitry Erofeev, Yaroslav Vorobyov, Sergei Rumyantsev, Roman Orlov, Evgeny Zakalistogo, Andrew Malyugina, which, as I understand it, relate to group-Borovikova Vojvodina. I also heard about a man who was called Datsik, a member of the Slavic Union, which was placed in a psychiatric hospital in Leningrad region. He fled to Norway and was deported a year ago. I heard that he is now released from a psychiatric hospital. There is another man Eugene Dyankandu (Dyankandu) of Uzbeksitana presumably freelance journalist associated with the Slavic Union, who lives at present in Norway. But I'm not sure, because he publicly asked to execute me.
You're right that I venture to get into a psychiatric hospital, where I'll be chemically lobotomized. I and my lawyers are doing everything we can to prevent this, but in the worst case I'll be sent for psychiatric treatment, where I will be forced to be chemical lobotomized regularly using psychotropic medication to the point that I will not be able to act and work. But now I think that the judges deem me "in sane mind" and will not condemn me to the conclusion. I'm 90% sure of this, so do not worry.
I have to agree that the targeted militant nationalists in Russia are considered militant nationalists in Western Europe as the most organized and ideologically conscious throughout the European world. As an example, in Russia more than 90,000 skinheads, while in northern Europe at least 9000. Also, regarding the military wing of the Russian nationalists, it is well known that you are more aggressive than the average nationalists from Western Europe. I am not a representative of the whole of Europe, simply guided by their own opinions, no matter who I try to encourage, develop and introduce new, more rigid traditions of militant nationalists in Europe. My organization, the Order of the Knights Templar, took advantage of the methods of Al Qaeda, as you may know. In theory, this means that we are focused on "major terrorist attacks," an attempt to promote praising martyrdom and that it follows (also known as shock suicide attacks). But in my community there are very few people and I do not suppose contact with them, at least not from where I am today. Whatever it was, time will tell what will follow, and others, but it will take time. But you should bear in mind that the average Western European nationalist-action is much less aggressive than our Russian brothers. But you already know.
I'll share my sketches of the future structure, but keep in mind that this is just a proposal for these items.
First, we must decide what we want to be. Because if we want to help in the fight, in the first place should be "we." I suggested in the Manifesto of 2083, we have to create a community, which will include all the local right-wing activists, anti-Marxist and anti-islamisty.V Western Europe, there are three main groups (in Russia, perhaps, too): 1. The National Socialists, 2. National-Conservatives, 3. Devout Christians (militant Christians). In Western Europe, not so many representatives of the three groups, and I agree that the most dominant among the activists - the first, but the second quickly gaining momentum in Western Europe. They are not as militant as the first group, but in the future.
The next thing we need to clarify - this is what we take in.: more specifically - what the name and identification. This is not an easy decision, because many people will bring this great value. There are some ideological / political identities from which to choose, but to my community, as you well know, this nationalism is the Crusaders. Of course, there are other differences, such as devotion to Christianity, paganism, National sotsializmu.Ya think that the identification should not be limited, it should include all three of these groups. But another problem that arises in the fact that our brothers the prisoners want to quite distinct differences that would be seen very clearly. Balancing the two is critical and much complexity. The unifying factor for all would be ethnocentric (birth right), Christian identity, which also has some pagan principles / symbols. I think we should learn from the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda, because they are currently considered the most successful revolutionary movement in the world. There is also an Arab League. What unites them: Islam and the Arab dominant ideology. What unites us? The Christian world, the Nordic ethnocentrism, as well as our traditions and the old gods - paganism. For important information on nordism search in Wikipedia and see Madison Grant, inhabited by Nordic tribes. I do not know how nordism important in the Russian National Socialism? [...]
By the way, I should clarify my own political beliefs, that there was no place confusion. I'm not a militant national-socialist, but I'm a militant nationalist-conservative (Nationalist Crusader). It is important that you know exactly what it is.
National Socialism is relatively popular in Eastern Europe and Russia, but it has setbacks in most countries of Western Europe in the last decade. The reason for his intense demonization in the media and that in fact Western Europe became rich enough to cope, and in order to keep unemployment low, so there is no real incentive to fight the government. All the people who tried to revive the National Assembly, failed, and I am sure that all attempts to do so in Western Europe will fail. So what is the national-conservative ideology? National conservatism, or the new nationalism in Western Europe and the new ultra-right at the moment are fighting with each other because of the issues, what to include in their new ideology. Not even clear that this ideology can be so called, it's just my term, however, be aware that this individual political leanings, it is important, and it's not what you call an ideology. My ideology is at 80% the same as the National Assembly, all the most important aspects, but not the most unpopular political positions. This is basically the same as the state ideology of Japan or South Korea. I support the ethnic and cultural protectionism (ensuring that the Nordic ethnic groups, indigenous peoples of Northern Europe will always be demographically dominant), the deportation of Islamists in Europe, anti-Marxism, which is opposition to feminism and the sexual revolution (support for the revival of patriarchy, women should have a minor professional roles, like Japan and South Korea).
All Asians, Africans and South Europeans, who are not loyal to the interests of the indigenous population (Nord), should be deported. All Jews are disloyal to the interests of the indigenous population (Nord), should be deported. In essence, this means that more than 80% of them will be deported. While I support the Israelis fighting against the jihad. We must not forget that a minority of Israeli Jews (20%) share our ideology of ethnocentric nationalism and want to deport foreigners disloyal to their country. So no, I'm not a Zionist. Is it true that I am opposed to National Socialism? Yes. But it does mean that I am against the 20% negative principles of National Socialism: the expansion of (I isolationist), anti-Semitic nature (I'm not against all Jews, I am only against disloyal Jews, who constitute approximately 80%) and anti-Christian sentiment (I believe that the Christian world can be transformed into a militant Christian ethnocentric world, something that was before the reform of education.)
Yes, I understand that many of the militant nationalists in Russia, fighting under the banner of National Socialism. However, the name of this ideology only label, flag, sign. The most important thing is what is actually the principles and doctrines contained in this title, rather than what it is in itself, because it's just a banner. Agree with all the positive attitudes and the rejection of 20%, creating a new ideology - that's the key. This is the only way to go if we want to seize political and military power in our countries in the future. It is our goal. And we will do what we must to achieve this goal. We have to adapt, because if we do not adapt, we will not succeed. The founder of Islam, Muhammad said: "The war - is a fraud."
It is important to remember this, brother: "War - is a fraud." We must do everything in our power to achieve success, it also means a device so that our enemies could hardly have demonized.
This is why I have spent so much time contributing to create a new ideology, national conservatism. Ethnic and cultural protectionism is the core of this ideology.
Regarding Vladimir Putin. I have said that I do not exactly know what he has been doing and will be doing in Russia in the future. I have said that he is either our best friend or our worst enemy, depending if he embraces ethnic and cultural protectionism or not. It seems that you are right, that he is trying to destroy European Russia and trying to create an Asian empire... So no, I don't support his policies at all.
Why I have demonized the jews so much in 2083. I have written that in Russia (1 million) and in the US (6 million) the jews are very influential. But the jews in Western Europe are not that influential. There are only 1 million in the whole of W. Europe and France and the UK have 800,000 of them. However, I have written that all disloyal jews are an enemy of Europe, which defines 80% of them. W. Europes biggest problem however is the liberals and cultural marxists which are 10 times as powerful as the jews. In the US and Russia, however, the situation is different. But the compendium 2083 was written for Western Europe only, so a Russian translation and version should be adapted for the circumstances in Russia in order to make good use of it. Keep in mind though that the manifesto 2083 is a draft and not a finished product. I do stand for almost everything written in it with some exceptions.
Looking forward to hearing from you, brother!
Sincere regards,
Anders Behring Breivik
» » » » [RusImperia]

via NO v. Breivik :: Uncensored by Andrea Muhrrteyn on 6/20/12
Teflon Jellyfish Patriarchal Conservatives Bruce Bawer and Peder Jensen (Fjordman) endorse White Supremacy StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Political Dissenters?
You could have demanded a Political Terrorism Treason Trial, like the Apartheid Government gave Terrorist Mandela: where you would defend all your anti-Islam arguments in accordance to the rules of evidence under cross examination!
Andrea Muhrrteyn | Norway v. Breivik | 18 June 2012

I agree with Lippestad when he said: “It’s a bit funny that those witnesses who are most preoccupied with speaking out, and who possibly think they’re not getting the opportunity to speak out, go into hiding when they get the opportunity to speak out and have the attention of the entire international media.”
Your Endorsement for White Supremacy Psychiatry: “To admit the central role of value judgments & cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable & valid, or whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry
White Supremacy Psychiatry – happily endorsed by White Supremacy Crypto-Feminists – says that white men are not allowed to be Honour Jihadi Warrior Terrorists; only corporate terrorist rapists of the planet and other cultures.
White Supremacy Psychiatry pretends to label certain individuals in society as ‘insane’, allegedly founded on the science of ‘psychiatry’. The only problem being that there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR WHAT IS TERMED ‘INSANITY’. In Islam if individuals don’t like your opinions or your behaviour, they don’t call you ‘insane’; they just legislate their morality based upon Allah’s word and their fucked up interpretations of it. However, no matter how fucked up their interpretations of Allah’s doctrine may be, or how fucked up their punishments may be: AT NO TIME DO THEY PRETEND THAT WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING OR BELIEVING IS BASED UPON SCIENCE!
White Supremacy Psychiatry is nowhere near as honest as Islam, when it comes to using ‘insanity’ as a social control tool to silence dissenters. White Supremacy Psychiatry simply elects a bunch of psychiatrists to be their ‘Psychiatry Insanity Allahs’ while pretending their pronouncements of ‘insanity’ are based upon ‘science’. What fucking horseshit!
‘There is no such thing as mental illness. Psychiatric diagnosis of ‘mental disorders’ is just a way of stigmatising behaviour that society does not want to live with. Psychiatry thrives on coercion and is replacing religion as a form of social control.’ - Dr. Thomas Szasz
From: Habeus Mentem
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:26 AM
To: 'Bruce Bawer'; 'Gates of Vienna'
Cc: NO: Lippestad: Tord; Legal Project: Dir: Sam Nunberg; Counsel: Adam Turner; FrontPage: David Horowitz
Subject: Breivik Trial: Bruce Bawer & Peder Jensen Endorse Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Dissenters
Mr. Bruce Bawer
Mr. Peder Jensen, via Baron Bodissey
CC: FrontPage, Gates of Vienna, Legal Project & Breivik/Lippestad
Mr. Bawer & Jensen,
Teflon Jellyfish Patriarchal Conservatives Bruce Bawer and Peder Jensen (Fjordman) endorse White Supremacy StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Political Dissenters?
I read your articles: Frontpage: Anti-Jihad Critics Spared a Show Trial in Norway and Gates of Vienna: Fjordman’s Suggested Testimony for the Trial of Anders Behring Breivik. To say that I am disgusted at your lack of honour and integrity, never mind a patriarchal backbone would be putting it mildly.
Firstly: I am not a member of your White Supremacy culture; I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture. I support all ethnicities and cultures rights to self-rule. My culture does not practice Bullshit-the-Public Relations; we practice the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, 24/07. Unlike your culture, if I am disgusted with someone’s behaviour, I don’t gossip behind their backs or inform them in some Bullshit the Public Relations PR vague abstract language of plausible deniability. I express it as crystal clear as possible; so you are under no goddamn illusions about my opinions. Secondly: I am a Radical Honoursty Libertarian EcoFeminist; and one of the few publications who were willing to publish my writings was: Noel Ignatiev’s Race Traitor: ‘Timothy McVeigh and Me’ (#15, Fall 2001 ). I don’t expect you to agree with me, appreciate my opinions or my language, but at the very least you can know this: Unlike your two faced hypocrit friends; on this issue: I am your honest enemy! What I have to say to you, I say to you to your face, and I don’t dilute it with goddamn fucking Edward Bernaysian Bullshit-the-Public-Relations plausible deniable ambiguity. I shall now proceed:
Both your articles imply you are FULLY COGNISANT that Norway is hosting a StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trial on the world stage. Your response: YOU DON’T GIVE A FUCK! YOU ARE JUMPING ON THE STALINORSK POLITICAL PSYCHIATRY BANDWAGON! Gee: is that what you mean when you say you support the ‘rule of law’? Stalinist Rule of Law? White Supremacy Political Psychiatry Insanity fishing expeditions for all activists whose civil disobedience criminal acts you disapprove of?
What a goddamn fucked up Stalinist Fascist legal precedent you are helping to set for the treatment of Political Dissenters! Stalin must be laughing his goddamn ass off!
I agree with Lippestad when he said: “It’s a bit funny that those witnesses who are most preoccupied with speaking out, and who possibly think they’re not getting the opportunity to speak out, go into hiding when they get the opportunity to speak out and have the attention of the entire international media.”
You were both invited to testify as expert witnesses in this trial, and both of you demonstrated that you have the backbone of goddamn fucking Teflon Jellyfish! You were given the opportunity to object to this StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Circus and demand that Norway live upto the same Rule of Law Treatment for Terrorist Dissenters as the Apartheid Government demonstrated on the world stage, when they provided Terrorist Nelson Mandela with a Treason Trial, where he was given ample opportunity to inform the world of his political justifications for his terrorism.
You Goddamn fucking Coward Hypocrits had the opportunity to demand that the Norwegian Government provide Breivik with a Political Terrorism Treason trial, to examine the evidence for his allegations. Was an act of political necessity terrorism murder of 77 justified to save 770 million from Islamic colonisation? This is clearly what Breivik believes to be the future reality, based upon his reading of your articles. A Political Necessity Terrorism Treason Trial allows for expert witnesses to be brought before the court to provide detailed evidence, to be examined under the principle of rules of evidence; to determine whether Breivik’s allegations were true or not. An opportunity to discard the media propaganda bullshit, and in a court of law to examine the evidence, in accordance to the rules of evidence and under cross examination.
You could have demanded a Political Terrorism Treason Trial, like the Apartheid Government gave Terrorist Mandela: where you would defend all your anti-Islam arguments in accordance to the rules of evidence under cross examination!
What do you do? Embrace the opportunity to testify Live and inform the world of your support for the Rule of Law, by demanding Norway provide Brievik with a Political Terorrism Treason Trial; or do you endorse the StaliNorsk White Supremacy Political Psychiatry Show Trial Circus?
What the fuck is it with you Goddamn fucking Coward Gutless Wonder ‘conservatives’? You have goddamn fucking less honour and integrity than fucking liberals! At least they have the capacity for demanding the rule of law for their own? You goddamn fucking gutless conservative wonders spit on the rule of law for your own. You goddamn cannibalize your own fucking followers! Why the fuck should anyone think of believing your sanctimonious horse shit about the ‘rule of law’ when you can’t even uphold it for those who support your ideology; let alone your enemies?
What the fuck do you mean when you write about write “the preservation of individual liberty and human rights”?
How the fuck is any impartial observer who does practice what we preach when it comes to endorsing the rule of law for everyone, including and especially for their enemies (unlike you Ms. Herland and Peder Jensen (Fjordland) who don’t even have the backbone to practice what you preach); supposed to know whether your Anti-Islam criticism is just Patriarchal-White-Supremacy-Hate-Towelheads propaganda and how much is factual evidence, when you lack the goddamn honour to back up your Anti-Islam writings in a court of law under cross examination?
Perhaps Mr. Bawer: If you had one honourable honest bone in your body Sir; you would have titled your new book: The New Quislings: How the International Left and Gutless Coward Anti-Jihad Right Used the Oslo Massacre to Silence Debate about Islam and endorse White Supremacy Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Terrorist Dissenters.
Your Endorsement for White Supremacy Psychiatry:
“To admit the central role of value judgments & cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable & valid, or whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry
White Supremacy Psychiatry – happily endorsed by White Supremacy Crypto-Feminists – says that white men are not allowed to be Honour Jihadi Warrior Terrorists; only corporate terrorist rapists of the planet and other cultures .
White Supremacy Psychiatry pretends to label certain individuals in society as ‘insane’, allegedly founded on the science of ‘psychiatry’. The only problem being that there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR WHAT IS TERMED ‘INSANITY’. In Islam if individuals don’t like your opinions or your behaviour, they don’t call you ‘insane’; they just legislate their morality based upon Allah’s word and their fucked up interpretations of it. However, no matter how fucked up their interpretations of Allah’s doctrine may be, or how fucked up their punishments may be: AT NO TIME DO THEY PRETEND THAT WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING OR BELIEVING IS BASED UPON SCIENCE!
White Supremacy Psychiatry is nowhere near as honest as Islam, when it comes to using ‘insanity’ as a social control tool to silence dissenters. White Supremacy Psychiatry simply elects a bunch of psychiatrists to be their ‘Psychiatry Insanity Allahs’ while pretending their pronouncements of ‘insanity’ are based upon ‘science’. What fucking horseshit!
‘There is no such thing as mental illness. Psychiatric diagnosis of ‘mental disorders’ is just a way of stigmatising behaviour that society does not want to live with. Psychiatry thrives on coercion and is replacing religion as a form of social control.’ - Dr. Thomas Szasz
“Biological psychology/psychiatry is a total perversion of medicine and science, and a fraud.” - Neurologist Fred Baughman, The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children.
“There is no such thing as a mental disorder. A mental disorder is whatever someone says it is, and if the person saying "This is a mental disorder", has enough power and influence, then people believe 'Oh, that is a mental disorder'.” - Dr. Paula Caplan, They Say You're Crazy: How the Worlds Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal
“The entire enterprise of defining mental disorder is pointless, at least in so far as the goal is to allow us to recognize ‘genuine’ or ‘true’ disorders” - Dr. Mary Boyle, Schizophrenia: A Scientific Delusion?
“DSM is a book of tentatively assembled agreements. Agreements don’t always make sense, nor do they always reflect reality. You can have agreements among experts without validity. Even if you could find four people who agreed that the earth is flat, that the moon is made of green cheese, that smoking cigarettes poses no health risks, or that politicians are never corrupt, such agreements do not establish truth.” – Herb Kutchins and Stuart Kirk: Making us Crazy: DSM: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders
"They create this question of disease, and they get together and they vote. Is this a disease, all in favour say Aye." - Julian Whitaker, M.D.; Director: Wellness Institute
"The [DSM] is marketed as a scientifically based document. Now the American Psychiatric Association which publishes the DSM do allot of work to create an aura of scientific precision, around the DSM, but its not scientifically based." -- Dr Margaret Hagen, Professor of Psychology, Boston University
"From the first edition of the DSM, the number of mental disorders voted into Psychiatry's Diagnostic Manual has grown to 374, and with each new disorder, psychiatrists create yet another way to defraud the public." – Marketing of Madness Documentary
"If you have twenty seven ways to bill in the DSM, that's 27 ways to bill. If you have 300, that's 300 ways to bill; so you can pretty much find anyone walking on the street, that could fit into a DSM somehow." - Neil Willner, President, Consolidated Insurance
"For each [mental disorder] there is a five digit code with a decimal point. Now the implication of that is, if I have illness 403.16 that that is different in some important and scientifically proven way, from someone who has 403.17. And nothing could be further from the truth." -- Dr. Paula Caplan, Clinical Research Psychologist, Debois Institute, Harvard University
“To admit the central role of value judgments and cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable and valid, or the whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry
“[Alleged Mental Disorders] are based on a grab-bag of checklists for disorders that are published in a book called the DSM; which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. There are no statistics in this book, by the way. That just makes it sound more scientific.” -- Dr Margaret Hagen, Professor of Psychology, Boston University, Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of American Justice.
"I am the Director of Research at the American Psychiatric Association. We don't know the etiology of really any of the mental disorders at the present time." -- Dr. Darrell Regier, Director of Research, American Psychiatric Association, Chairman of the DSM-V Task Force
'Psychology's takeover of our legal system represents not an advance into new but clearly charted areas of science but a terrifying retreat into mysticism and romanticism, a massive suspension of disbelief propelled by powerful propaganda. Thanks to the willingness of judges and juries to believe psychobabble with scientific foundations equal to horoscope charts, babble puffed about by psychological professionals with impressive credentials, what we've got now are thousands of self-styled soul doctors run amok in our courts, drunk with power, bedazzled by spectacular fees for the no-heavy-lifting job of shooting off their mouths about any psychological topic that sneaks a toe into a courtroom. The demand is great, the supply is huge, and the science behind it all is nonexistant. But the reality does not matter." - Margaret Hagen, Ph.D; Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony
Continued in PDF...
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honoursty Ecolaw Feminist
Norway v. Breivik :: Uncensored
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Response from Mr. Bruce Bawer

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via international psychiatry - Google Blog Search by Andrea Muhrrteyn on 6/19/12
I shall now proceed: Both your articles imply you are FULLY COGNISANT that Norway is hosting a StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trial on the world stage. Your response: YOU DON'T GIVE A FUCK! YOU ARE JUMPING ...
via international psychiatry - Google Blog Search by unknown on 6/19/12
"It's quite sad that the monster of Norwegian court psychiatry has managed to take over this case. It should have been about the victims and their families, and about the political basis and causes," Breivik told the court. "Because July 22nd is ...
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Psychiatrists stand by findings on Breivik sanity
Independent Online Oslo - Two court-appointed psychiatrists said on Tuesday they had little evidence contradicting their conclusion that Norwegian self-confessed mass murderer ... Norwegian killer slams court for sanity focusFox News Norwegian mass killer slams court, says trial has centered too much ...Washington Post all 232 news articles » |
via anders behring breivik - Google News on 6/14/12
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San Jose Mercury News OSLO, Norway—The psychiatrists who have faced intense criticism for deeming Anders Behring Breivik—the self-confessed killer of 77 people in Norway last ... |
via anders behring breivik - Google News on 6/15/12
Times LIVE |
Psychiatrists maintain Breivik is insane
Times LIVE Psychiatrists who classified Norwegian self-confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik as legally insane defended their conclusions during a court ... |
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