Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Allen Frances, M.D.: My Debate With The DSM 5 Chair

My Debate With The DSM 5 Chair

1 comment:

  1. Good arguments. My question is, what entities are ultimately influencing the APA to make changes to the DSM5?? Who are the shadow warriors? Could it be pharmaceutical companies?

    It would make sense for pharmaceuticals considering medications are prescribed based upon how mental disorders are defined, right?

    Who else could be influencing the APA to the degree it's determined that closed or private sessions be necessary verses open public forums and or feedback from other professionals outside of the selected group?

    I might be wrong but it seems to me, having the broadest professional participation in this process would be the smartest and be in the best interest of patients around the world than only a small group of over 1,500 people considering how many psychiatric and psychology related professionals are there in the world? Right?

    How can that small number of professionals represent the knowledge and experience of the other tens of thousand professionals world wide?

    I'm concerned how easy it would be for psychiatric doctors and or psychologist to over diagnose patients into disorders without considering other alternatives or a more thorough patient investigation to verify a prospective disorder diagnosed.

    Who is ultimately to gain from what disorders are added and what disorders that are removed??
