Cognitive Aspects of Delusional Disorders
Selected Articles
aspects of delusional disorder: DDs can best be seen as extreme variations of
cognitive mechanisms involved in rapid threat detection and defensive harm avoidance. From this viewpoint, the two models
"Delusions are... now conceptualized as
dimensional entities rather than categorical ones, lying at the extreme end of a
"belief continuum"...
A truly comprehensive model of the
persecutory delusion requires further elucidation at the neurochemical and
genetic levels.
Finally, genetic studies, in the absence of a
definitively linked genomic region of, for example, schizophrenia
R1584BABBEHIC, currently are being designed to
reduce genetic heterogeneity at the entry point of proband ascertainment. Thus,
dimensional variables (e.g., delusional ideation, social cognitive skills) or
symptom clusters (e.g., reality distortion) become intermediate phenotypes
worthy of study (for preliminary examples of this approach, see references
R1584BABEFBIB). If the relevant social
cognitive mechanisms can be reliably characterized and shown to be heritable,
this approach could lead to more definitive linkage results and to the
elucidation of the genetic background of the illnesses in which persecutory
delusions arise."
PsychiatryOnline | American Journal of Psychiatry |
Cognitive Neuropsychiatric Models of Persecutory Delusions
The American Journal of Psychiatry, VOL. 158, No.
Cognitive Aspects of Normal and Delusional Belief Formations ... Neuropsychological aspects of delusional disorder. via pubmed: belief formation del... by Abdel-Hamid M, Brüne M on 4/26/12 ...
[Neuropsychological aspects of delusional disorders. Characteristic attributional style or cognitive deficit?].
[Article in German]
Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Westfälisches Zentrum Bochum, 44791 Bochum.
"Pure" delusional disorders are clinically rare, and the neuropsychology of such disorders is poorly understood. Whereas "deficit" models suggest a cognitive impairment accounting for the incorrigible fixation of false beliefs, cognitive models propose the existence of a characteristic attributional style in patients to stabilise a fragile self.
The cognitive flexibility and attributional style of 21 patients diagnosed with delusional disorder according to ICD-10 were compared with a group of healthy controls paralleled for age, sex, education, and intelligence.
Patients with delusional disorders made more errors and more perseverative errors in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test compared with controls. However, these differences were only significant in patients with a comorbid depression. In contrast to earlier studies, patients with delusional disorders did not attribute negative events to external or personal causes more often than healthy controls, but partly tended to show a depressive attributional style.
Our results do not support either a cognitive deficit in patients with delusional disorders or a characteristic attributional style. In terms of treatment recommendations, a thorough diagnosis of comorbid depressive disorders in patients with delusional disorders is warranted.
- 17123122
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
from pubmed: cognitive aspects of... by McCormick LM, Buchanan JR, Onwuameze OE, Pierson RK, Paradiso S
Beyond alcoholism: Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome in patients with psychiatric disorders.
Cogn Behav Neurol. 2011 Dec;24(4):209-16
Authors: McCormick LM, Buchanan JR, Onwuameze OE, Pierson RK, Paradiso S
OBJECTIVE: Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome (the combined disorder is named Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome [WKS]) are preventable, life-threatening neuropsychiatric syndromes resulting from thiamine deficiency. WKS has historically been associated with alcoholism; more recently, it has been recognized in patients who have anorexia nervosa or have undergone bariatric surgery for obesity. However, patients with nutritional deficiencies of any origin are at risk for WKS. We present clinical histories and neuroimaging data on 2 young adults with underlying psychiatric disorders who became malnourished and developed WKS.
METHODS: A young woman with bipolar disorder and somatization disorder was hospitalized for intractable vomiting. A young man with chronic paranoid schizophrenia developed delusions that food and water were harmful, and was hospitalized after subsisting for 4 months on soda pop.
RESULTS: Acute, life-threatening Wernicke encephalopathy was confirmed in both patients by brain magnetic resonance imaging showing classic thalamic injury. The patients were left with persistent cognitive and physical disabilities that were consistent with Korsakoff syndrome.
CONCLUSIONS: Failure to suspect a vitamin deficiency led to permanent cognitive and physical disabilities that may necessitate lifelong care for these patients. The neuropsychiatric consequences could have been prevented by prompt recognition of their thiamine deficiency.
PMID: 22134191 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
[Cognitive aspects and treatment of delusional disorders.].
[Article in French]
This article reviews the cognitive phenomenology of delusional disorders (DD) and examines the current cognitive models. Some case studies have shown considerable promise concerning the utilisation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of DD, even if this approach is in its infancy. Although the stages of CBT to treat DD are very similar to that of other psychotic disorders, there are also considerable differences. However, it is essential to combine several strategies in order to modify inferences specific to DD. The clinical evaluation of delusions as well as the application of CBT as a treatment is illustrated in two cases with a diagnosis of DD with persecutory subtype. The cases required different time periods for different stages of CBT and highlight the importance of tailoring CBT according to need.
- 18253611
- [PubMed - in process]
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D Freeman, PA Garety, E Kuipers… - British Journal of …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
... Overall, then, targeting aspects of the content of a delusion may lead to emotional changes ... Such
a process may socialize the person into the cognitive approach and lead to ... Individuals' appraisals
of their delusional beliefs and associated experiences may have led to emotional ...
A cognitive model of persecutory
- Daniel Freeman1,*,
- Philippa A. Garety1,2,
- Elizabeth Kuipers1,
- David Fowler3,
- Paul E. Bebbington4
Article first published online: 24 DEC 2010
DOI: 10.1348/014466502760387461
2002 The British Psychological Society
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
, Issue
4, pages 331–347,
November 2002
A multifactorial model of the formation and maintenance of persecutory
delusions is presented. Persecutory delusions are conceptualized as threat
beliefs. The beliefs are hypothesized to arise from a search for meaning for
internal or external experiences that are unusual, anomalous, or emotionally
significant for the individual. The persecutory explanations formed reflect an
interaction between psychotic processes, pre-existing beliefs and personality
(particularly emotion), and the environment. It is proposed that the delusions
are maintained by processes that lead to the receipt of confirmatory evidence
and processes that prevent the processing of disconfirmatory evidence. Novel
features of the model include the (non-defended) direct roles given to emotion
in delusion formation, the detailed consideration of both the content and form
of delusions, and the hypotheses concerning the associated emotional distress.
The clinical and research implications of the model are outlined.
Religion & Brain: Belief Decreases
With Analytical Thinking, Study Shows
News - 3 days ago
Hemsley DR.
Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2005;29(6):977-88. Review.
- 15964074
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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by KP O'Connor -
2001[Cognitive aspects and treatment of delusional disorders.]. [Article in French]. O'Connor KP, Stip E, Robillard S. This article reviews the cognitive phenomenology ...
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