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Last Update: 8:58 AM 5/6/2012
The psychiatric oligarchs who medicalise normality | BMJ
NotesCite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e3135
Former patients protest psychiatrist convention - Philadelphia Inquirer ...
Former patients protest psychiatrist convention. Philadelphia Inquirer yelled Faith Rhyne, a North Carolina woman who belongs to MindFreedom
“The psychiatric oligarchs who medicalise normality.” « International So...
Mental health should be a priority for all societies and its stigma always challenged. However, the US Centers for Disease Control and Preve
Updates to psychiatric guide spur controversy - Washington Post | Suicid...
Updates to psychiatric guide spur controversy. By N.C. Aizenman, Saturday, May 5, 7:14 PM. A panel of psychiatrists charged with updating th
10:31 PM 5/5/2012 - General Psychiatry News
The American Journal of Psychiatry Current Issue; Academic Psychiatry Current Issue; Archives of General Psychiatry current issue; The Briti
Cognitive neuropsychiatric aspects of Delusional Disorder "are poorly un...
Neuropsychological aspects of delusional disorder. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2008 Jun;10(3):229-34. Authors: Abdel-Hamid M, Brüne M Abstract Delu
Latest Posts Links - 2:16 PM 5/5/2012
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Mike Nova shared a link.
Mike Nova shared a link.
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology and the issues of Behavior and Law with occasional notes and comments by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova).
Mike Nova shared a link.
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology and the issues of Behavior and Law with occasional notes and comments by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova).
Mike Nova: American Psychiatry and Jewish Insecurities: "American Psychi...
American Psychiatry and Jewish Insecurities I am fully aware that being a Jew does not provide automatic immunity against accusations of ant
Study of prison chaplains sheds light on faith behind bars - San Antonio...
Movies and television portray hardened criminals cursing God and everyone else. In reality, many inmates worship God and practice their fait
Prison Psychiatry News
candidaabrahamson; Criminal Justice and Behavior recent issues; Faktensucher; go it alone (together); Prison Watch Network; prison gangs - G
Hebephilia update: DSM-5 workgroup stubbornly clinging to pet diagnosis ...
The open letter has garnered more than 100 signatures, many from prominent forensic psychologists and psychiatrists in the U.S. and internat
How American Psychiatry Can Save Itself: Part 2 - Psychiatric Times
Dr Pies is Editor in Chief Emeritus of Psychiatric Times and Professor in the psychiatry departments of SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syr
How American Psychiatry Can Save Itself: Part 1 - Psychiatric Times
[Note: For Part 2 of Dr Pies' article, click here.] Charles Dickens might well say of American psychiatry, “These are the best of times
APA TV Annual Meeting 2012 |
Watch APA TV, the 2012 Annual Meeting video highlights from the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, May 4 - 9. Each daily APA
Psychiatric News Alert: APA Invites Third Round of Public Comment on DSM-5
For a third and final time, the American Psychiatric Association is inviting public comment on the proposed criteria for the upcoming fifth
Death Penalty Climate Changing - Mike Nova's starred items
On April 25, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy (pictured) signed into law a bill that replaces the death penalty with life without parole.
In the news by Karen Franklin PhD: Open letter opposing DSM-5 paraphilia...
As readers of this blog are aware, proposals to expand the sexual disorders in the American Psychiatric Association's upcoming DSM-5 hav
Allen Frances, M.D.: "The grand dream is lost - now at least make sure y...
The prize for the most wayward of all the DSM 5 work groups must surely go to the sexual disorders group—creators of three remarkably off-be
Mike Nova: BREIVIC SYNDROMESaturday, April 28, 2012Psychiatry's identity...
To Anders Breivik, the 'feminisation' of the European male corresponds to the 'feminisation' of Europe itself
Breivik trial forces Norway to look again at insanity - Updated News
The penal codes of most Western countries allow for punishment to be adjusted according to the severity of the criminal act. In addition, th
Children in Solitary - Forensic Psychiatry News
As any parent knows, teenagers are different than adults. This common-sense observation is backed by hard scientific evidence; we know that
APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry's New “Bibl...
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Sports Psychiatry: "players need to get their brains examined before the...
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
DSM-5 Debate: Committee Backs Off Some Changes, Re-Opens Comments | Heal...
Sharing With FriendsAdd TIME to your Timeline to automatically share TIME stories, photos and videos with your Facebook friends. Share Only
APA Announces New Changes to Drafts of the DSM-5, Psychiatry’s New “Bibl...
I have this slim silver book on my desk called the “Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-IV-TR.” Page 153 reads: Schizophreni
Speculation Arises about the Role of Concussions in Another NFL Player’s...
NFL legend Junior Seau died today after reportedly shooting himself in the chest, according to various news reports. What prompted the appar
Telepsychiatry, neuromodulation, the role of genetics, and updates for t...
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
...Breivik Insane - VIDEO | Anders Behring Breivik Cries in Court - VIDE...
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Forensic and Prison Psychiatry News Review - 3:47 PM 5/3/2012 - Post 2 |...
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Forensic and Prison Psychiatry News Review - 3:47 PM 5/3/2012 - Mike Nov...
By Alicia A. Caldwell Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Drug Enforcement Administration is investigating how its agents forgot about a colle
Mass killer Breivik demands medal from Oslo court - YouTube Anders Breivik, the man who admitted killing 77 people in a bombing and shooting spree in Norway last year, has app
Hitler is informed about Anders Behring Breivik's Manifesto.wmv - YouTube
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
“You really ought to be absolutely sure before you strap a person down a...
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Psychodynamic aspects of Delusional Disorder - Mike Nova: Psychoanalytic...
Psychodynamic aspects of Delusional Disorder - Mike Nova: Psychoanalytic theory is deadeningly mechanistic and hopelessly outdated, but at t
Allen Frances, M.D.: Wonderful News: DSM 5 Finally Begins Its Belated an...
Sigh of relief. The DSM 5 website announced this morning that two of its most controversial proposals have finally been dropped. We have dod
Forensic Psychiatry News Review - 5.2.12 - Mike Nova's starred items
Psychometric properties of the Miranda Rights Comprehension Instruments with a juvenile justice sample. Assessment. 2011 Dec;18(4):428-41. A
General Psychiatry News Review - 5.2.12 - Mike Nova's starred items
The American Journal of Psychiatry Current Issue; Academic Psychiatry Current Issue; Archives of General Psychiatry current issue; The Briti
Selected Blogs Review - 5.2.12
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Breivic Trial News Review - 5.2.12 - Mike Nova's starred items
Comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and Psychology a
Being Bilingual Brings Mental Health Benefits
Individuals who are bilingual appear to have superior sound-processing skills, Northwestern University researchers reported today in the Pro
Prison Psychiatry Review - 5.1.12 - Mike Nova's starred items
But Mr. Colson, who found Jesus shortly before entering prison, remade himself as a free man, in 1976 founding what became Prison Fellowship
Behavior and Law: Read it in your language
Breivik Síndrome de Down: Grandiosa - tipo de trastorno delirante persecutorio de los asesinatos en masa con el resultado de una búsqueda me
Mike Nova: Some open questions in Breivik Trial
Mike Nova: Some open questions in Breivik Trial. What is the role of the mysterious Belorussian woman whom Breivik met in Belarus and who vi
Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay -
In recent years, Ted Haggard, an evangelical leader who preached that homosexuality was a sin, resigned after a scandal involving a former m
Response to Dr. Wessely
Response to Dr. Wessely. Normality or psychopathology of belief or belief system is determined first of all by the intrinsic qualities of be
Breivik Says His Psychiatrists Don’t Understand Political Violence | Fin...
Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian behind last summer’s twin terror attacks, today blasted a forensic psychiatric report deeming him insa
Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik refuses to recognize court as trial...
Ian Johnston, reports — Anti-Islam militant Anders Behring Breivik admitted he had killed 77 people in a massacre last July, but s
Breivic Trial News Review - Mike Nova's starred items - 5:21 PM 4/25/2012
A comprehensive collection of links to news and journal articles on General, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry and the issues of Behavior and L
8:12 AM 4/24/2012 - flamenco - YouTube - Mike Nova's starred items
Flamenco (Spanish pronunciation: [flaˈmeŋko]) is a genre of music, song and dance from Andalusia in southern Spain, noted for its energetic,
Цитаты ораторов митинга в Москве стали лозунгами в Нью-Йорке
Представители русской диаспоры в Нью-Йорке вышли в субботу днем на митинг в поддержку движения "За честные выборы", вдохновленные событиями
Six days in the company of a mass murderer - | Anders Behring Breivik T...
Madness, badness, sadness. Bangkok Post First, one of the prosecutors of the Norwegian court read out the names and details of each of the 7
Ъ-Online - Американские конгрессмены призвали Facebook к ответу
Проблема уязвимости личной информации пользователей социальной сети Facebook вышла на государственный уровень. Американские конгрессмены обр
Mike Nova: What makes Breivik's thinking and concepts abnormal and delus...
Mike Nova: What makes Breivik's thinking and concepts abnormal and delusional? Although arising from "legitimate" and relative
6:45 AM 4/19/2012 - News Review - Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/19/12. Jueves Jueves Jueves 19 de abril de
Robert Mccarroll: "I think it's a huge honor for all Puerto Ricans." - "...
Comprehensive collection of newslinks to Puerto Rico, Caribbean and Latino culture - Colección comprensiva de newslinks a Puerto Rico, el Ca
Does Breivik suffer from DELUSIONAL DISORDER?
2012 (32). ▼ April (30). Does Breivik suffer from DELUSIONAL DISORDER? Breivik Trial - Day 3 - News Review · Breivik Trial - Day 3 - News Re
News Review - 7:28 PM 4/17/2012
via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 4/16/12. Op-Ed columnist Paul Krugman writes, "Rather than admit th
Mike Nova: Breivik Trial and The Crisis Of Psychiatry As Science
Mike Nova. Breivik Trial and The Crisis Of Psychiatry As Science. Breivik is not the only one who is on this trial. Psychiatry as a science
Breivik trial: Day 2 - live reports - Mike Nova's starred items
Helen Pidd writes. After insisting that he would have "done it again" because "the offences against my people and my fellow p
Norway massacre survivor: I can't get rid of the experience
As the trail of Anders Behring Brevik looms, a survivor from the massacre on the island of Utoya says that he needs to be able to get back t
Breivik's sanity to be in focus as trial opens
Rightwing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in twin attacks in Norway last year, goes on trial in Oslo on Monday where
Norway prepares for Breivik massacre trial
Sanity of defendant Anders Behring Breivik expected to be main focus of trial into 2011 killings of 77 people. Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull repor
Norway mass murder suspect claims self-defense – CNN Security Clearance...
By Diana Magnay The man accused of killing 77 people in a bomb and gun rampage in Norway last summer claimed self-defense on Monday. "I ackn
Norway Breivik survivors attend trial
world news - Survivors and relatives of those who died at the hands of Anders Behring Breivik gathered outside the court in Oslo on Monday m
Norway gunman Breivik pleads not guilty at Oslo trial
“I acknowledge the acts, but not criminal guilt and I claim self-defence,” he told the court on the first day of his 10-week trial.
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